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Everything posted by duffy

  1. duffy

    Hey Steph

    what an ego..you think everything is about you...mind your own business you big feelin +!2"""
  2. are these better than the oxblood ones or about the same...
  3. duffy

    Hey Steph

    i would think so too...but ive never looked for it cause until now i haint had the reason to use the block option....
  4. duffy

    Hey Steph

    how do you block someone so their posts dont show up....
  5. duffy

    I Am Back

    hiya dan...welcome back!!
  6. heres a pic of me tryin on my jungle fatigues from 72...still fits....i like west virginia marbles
  7. nope....... i would hafta ck every one....
  8. indian artfacts...old bottles...green viking glassware
  9. yup its a little redder than purple......
  10. galen...youre much too sensitive...how can my statement be taken as a personal attack..in fact you personally attacked me by sayin i personally attacked you....i ve not doubted michaels credibility....just that hes came to me to get ids .....as i go to others....and sounds like you go to others for their opinions...its all about the collectin process...educatin yourself and not makin foolish for profit buys...thanks steph for fixin my line...
  11. no problem, edna....i dont know many who claim to be experts...but educated and informed......i know many...any body that gets in over their heads and boohoos to the masses that theyve been taken...well kinda deserve what they get....when you get too big for your britches ...a person needs to be let down easy...them little pea brains hold tons of dreams...mostly its gettin something for cheap and sell for high....when you cant make a big profit then the person has been screwed...by whom??....better look in the mirror...steph could you remove the line???
  12. i know mike johnson, too....although he a nice guy who knows alot of history...hes not an expert on identifying west virginia....as is most authors...
  13. i think he just got it...http://www.ebay.com/itm/PELTIER-SUPERMAN-NLR-MARBLE-5-8-NR-MINT-LOT-3-/290923746725#ht_35wt_1350
  14. i musta missed it...where oin the listing does it say who is makin the marbles
  15. no...they are jabo swirls....
  16. they were made before the contract runs began....thanks mike ill mail em fri....
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