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Everything posted by duffy

  1. I think so ,too...I could believe the tribute side of it..
  2. he was always givin away marbles from when he started...that's not to say that just the berry pinks were made at paden city....or maybe it was a tribute design for him...or maybe he wanted a special marble made ...if the marbles he gave away in the 30s were what we call berry pinks then that's an answer...if not then when did he start givin the berry pinks away...
  3. I dug em in paden city....I never dug one in st marys....I don't think anybody I was digging with found any there....but I couldn't say for sure if they wasn't made there..i just haint seen one from there....other diggers might have different results....they coulda been expermitin there...who knows??...I don't know for sure...
  4. yup...the big 62....thanks!!!
  5. that's purty deep , bob.....but I agree....lotsa peoples face lights up when i ask the unavoidable question at yard sales....ya got any marbles....prob over half of the time I get that they lost their marbles long ago!!!
  6. calipers?? you can get em at lowes or anywhere that sells tools...you can get em for a coupla bucks or much more expensive...the cheap ones work...
  7. rodefer was the company i was lookin for...http://glassian.org/Prism/NationalGlass/
  8. the imperial glass co of bellaire ohio made gear shift knobs and spinners...the company was another name before that and have been there a long time...i cant remember the name right now but if you google imperial glass..read the history its in there....
  9. a rubber ball.a jump rope and a marble walked into a bar....the bartender said ok rope and ball youre ok...but marble --you look a little polished....
  10. http://www.theintelligencer.net/page/content.detail/id/590226/Marble-Festival-To-Get-Rolling.html?nav=510
  11. get your blue gills ready...50+lb... shovelheads getting yanked regularly...
  12. subject to change but as of now weather for the end of the week,,,highs in the upper 70s...10% chance of rain.....
  13. when you walk into a restrauant...and the old retired guys sippin coffee in the morning call you the marble man.....if you can invision norm and cheers ...the joke works better....
  14. white on a marble king does not count...we haint reinventin the wheel here...been that way for years...but you can call it what you want....
  15. but it was 7 specific colors....jill spencer might have named it...that was when there was a lot of diggin goin on....i cant remember i heard it before or after she was payin some young guys to dig her site.....she moved away i cant ask her....
  16. theres alot of white showin on that marble...i cant remember seein a lucky seven or a 7-up...thats what the locals called em to seperate em from vitro...that big...but excessive white dont help it....is there green streaks in it...more green would help...might be hybrid robin and sumptin else like a cookie and cream..i haint never seen one....
  17. those are awesome pics ,winnie...thanks for postin...
  18. duffy

    Hey Steph

    i dont think so gnomer
  19. duffy

    Hey Steph

    youre right kbob...but if i was lookin for humor i woulda said a priest...a rabbi and george bush was wantin to block somebodies posts...lolool...
  20. yup...just tryin to get some info on em so i can price em right for s-ville....i dont use ebay as a pricing tool...i saw em in the vitro general line book of values for 150.00...that seems high to me ...but i only paid half a dollar for it...
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