lol no ric its an insulation mat the pipeliners use foir the pipelines theyre puttin makes a nice floor here in the marble room...i happen on to a pice 20 ft by 3 ft wide...its some sort of vinall feels great on these feet o mine...elinor haint got used to it tho....
yes it is ric...heres his brother that came in the baby food it a tater bug i hate the new photo bucket i resized it and thought i saved it...oh welll...
a clear rainbo....its coverd in ribbons.....evenly spaced...its kewl....found it during the winter slump,,waitin for the weather to break so i can work again.....but i have lotsa boxes and jars to recheck..... just tryin to add to the dont hafta make fun of me...ill make it a point to not get in on any of your professional observations...i suposse since youve got it in hand you know what it is...