for ever there was the wasp and the black widow....the vintage black widow had the two swatches of color...the ones with one we called wannabe black widows...maybe be regional up here the....... wasp and b.w. were two different marbles....
no thats not the reason......the ribbon sequence is skewed......ive seen tons of these....a watermelon looks and patterns are like a bumblebee if you study a few of the patch and ribbons no names and will be much clearer...
i guess sortin and cagetorin marbles is a skill that can be useful in other things...after three days of cleanin and sortin ive come up with these mostly mother of pearl buttons....still got more to sort!!!!
its vaneered wood.....if you think its oak....poplar takes stain well....the legs might be oak..but the top and the rails haint...thanks ant...its just the right size,too...makes a nice display...
sure thang..yup itll have a glass top...hmmmm saw some repo claw feet at the flea mkt...but i was thinkin those poreclin wheels....these work good ....