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Everything posted by ann

  1. Yea, I kept trying to put it with my very few blended MKs . . . but the cherry base was weird even to me, a person not noted for MK knowledge . . .
  2. Those are the only shots I have that show any part of what you want to see -- but both sides show the S or arabesque shape like you usually see on CACs, as opposed to the straighter version usually found on the Euros.
  3. Boy do I need help with this one. Forgive the pics lifted off of ebay. But they'll do to illustrate my confusion, I think. Beh. Maybe not. Anyway. This was listed as a Euro. I didn't think so, from what I could tell, so I took a flyer on it. What the heck. Nobody else seemed interested. Now I have this weird THING in hand and I'm baffled. Not that that's unheard of, or anything . . . but still. It looks like an amber CAC slag, really, but . . . the actual base glass (which seems to be only about half the marble) is a nice transparent cherry red. Huh? I put it with my CACs and it almost looks right. I roll it over towards my transparent / translucent based blended things, and it almost looks right. But not quite as much. Nudge it into my Euros and it looks out of place. Any ideas?
  4. Maybe if Bob drops by he could post a couple tornados if he still has photos . . . Bob? Yoohoo . . .
  5. Yes! That fat tornado is the type I was referring to. A couple are listed in Bob's "Collecting Early Machine-made Marbles," pp. 22 & 36, if you have that book..
  6. I have a few of these types; some don't have the "latticinio" cage, some do. The ones with 2 ribbons can get complicated. But I've never heard them referred to as "tornado." The only ones I know of that are associated with that term are a few (scarce, if not rare) old Germans -- faceted pontil, I think, I'll check at home tonight -- that are generally classified as slags, with all of the white in the interior, quite literally in the shape of a tornado. I don't have one, or a pic of one, but I'll see what I can find . . .
  7. Did the lady know where it came from?
  8. Nice summary. I especially like the stronger colors and consistent combinations as compared to the later very variable (sometimes crazy & beautiful!) colors . . . and maybe Rainbo ribbons are usually thinner, more thready?
  9. How cool -- I'm a cullet fan too!
  10. ann

    Woot Woot

    I liked the Fiat takeoff of Viagra . . .
  11. Nice! Nice ones with translucent bases (of any color) have been hard to find, for me - - -
  12. I ain't arguing! I don't know enough about angels and tracers to make a peep. Bacon, though, I got an opinion on! And although I think I can usually tell the difference between an NLR and a Rainbo, I wouldn't dare try to put it in words. I wish I could!
  13. Me too -- but it being in a bag took it out of Kokomoish for me. Now I got to worry about my two (supposed) Kokomos . . .
  14. I am so much in agreement with Steph about the above ^^ that it's ridiculous . . .
  15. Nice one! Yep, the green is a bit on the strange side . . . I keep my single example in the vicinity of my few "bacon" types, for lack of any better idea . . .
  16. I was going to guess Alley because I have one (just one) Alley swirl with the same color scheme, but minus the turkey head. Turk-ish head. Don't think I'd have recognized it as an Alley in the listing, though --
  17. Maybe it'll last 'til St. Patrick's Day. That would be OK.
  18. Yep -- from the Peltier Mansion run --
  19. Wow -- never seen one of those! Niiiice.
  20. Nice ground pontil! I only have a few, but most of them I got from Alan B. too. Wish he was still around.
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