You can step down off your high horse any time now Sue, im not sure what you referring to, but i don't take orders from anyone especially not some person on a forum with IM A MODERATOR SO YOU BETTER LIKE IT OR YOUR BANNED attitude.
Second, after a years worth of trying to tell me politely? wtf are you talking about, you wasn't even around here for the last year that this board WAS running smoothly, I STOPPED POSTING BECAUSE YOU LET TRASH ON THIS BOARD! Just like about a dozen other people, not because of anything you said so get that out of your head now.
Just how many people have you officially cussed out in PM now Sue just curious?
Now lets be honest, the only reason your allowing trash back on here is because he's laid off of you and Lou, which is ok, but don't expect me to sit by and let him make pokes at me and not say something. Your letting someone on this board who is just waiting for someone to say some thing wrong so he can go run to his pathetic forum and talk crap and then bann people so they can't defend them selves WHICH IS VERY COWARDLY !!
Did you honestly think there would be nothing happen by letting him back on here? Give me a BREAK!
NOTE: YOU HAVE OFFICIALLY RUN OFF "MOST" OF THE GOOD MEMBERS there are a few good people left here but they complain daily about how down hill it's went here!! So Congrats!
Don't lie and say you like me in public so you look good Sue, you done showed your (_|_). Or wait maybe you are that way, i mean you let Scott bash you to hell and back and then said o0o he's still my friend! your post was nothing but BAIT and i gladly took it, if nobody else wants to stand up and say something fine, BUT I DAMN SURE WONT SHUT UP BECAUSE YOU SAID TO!!
Don't bother banning me, i will gladly never sign in here again trust me!