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Everything posted by triker

  1. Got to score these Jacksons :Party_fest30: this week! There are 52 of them all together, thought i share some with you! Bought them less than 2 miles from our house! :Emoticon-jawdrop: Enjoy, Bruce
  2. Hey Ron, Yes! We Have 2 Vintage Mudbugs (3 wheeled Mini bikes) That we are restoring! Thanks for asking! Bruce
  3. Jackson Marbles are the best nobody likes them and thats are that are left! Marble miner #3 Local 69 Bruce
  4. Thanks Edna, The pleasure is all mine! I do enjoy my time on the left side of our great state!And with you and Weldon! Will post pics of the show soon, Hope all is well with you and family. Bruce PS 1 More!
  5. Just a pic of our grandson Brent playing with his marble rollers!! Better teach your children well or any marble wont be worth a hill of beans! And this is what marbles are for! Hope you enjoy, Bruce
  6. Gary, And thank you for your service to our great country! And i want to thank everybody who reads this that was or has family that was in our military for there service also!!! We hope everybody has a safe,happy and healthy holiday!!! Bruce&Lizzie
  7. Hey Steve, I heard about 3 1/2 cases. you were there (I Guess) either way there is not a lot to go around!!! thanks for the ones i got from you!!!! Good seeing ya again. and talk to you soon. Thanks Again, Bruce
  8. They have been trading on ebay very good!!! i think if i heard correctly there were less than 3 cases made!!! The next generation of KILLER!!!!!!! MARBLES!!!!!! I love the ones i was lucky enough to get. Dave M. is truly the master of machine made marbles! IMHO. Bruce
  9. triker


    NICE!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing Bill! See ya soon! Bruce PS I have a farm that needs some animals? hint hint
  10. Hi Steve, That would be Rick Hall, He has e-mailed me one time thru e-bay concerning selling my tributes for .99 cents. hopes this helps. Bruce
  11. I love it!!!! Get ya one soon! Thank for the hard work Steve and Elizabeth! There is no doubt on the history and dates of the "special runs" because of you! Love them or hate them they are some of the sweetest machine marbles to ever come off a set of rollers! Of course this is my opinion! Bruce
  12. Why can i only post 1 PM and have to wait a few days to post another? Just Wondering out loud! Bruce
  13. Yep it"s pink!!!!! And thanks Steve for the info! I do know better! The sun shined for about 50 seconds so i took a couple of pic! I promise i"ll do better next time!!!! see you in a couple of weeks. Bruce
  14. Just picked this up and was wondering what you all think? I love it!! Bruce
  15. I want to see them!!!!!!! And Jabos! And everything in between! Thanks, Bruce P.S. A marble is a marble is a marble!!!!!
  16. As a investor in 2 of the tribute runs i personally can say i did not do it for the money. i was there to learn more of the marble making process and see first hand the magic of making beautiful marbles! Along with company of friends i was with and the Jabo crew the experiences I've had at the plant will be fodder for stories i can share with my grandchildren for a long time. They will also no the history of every marble company and they will have the mibs to look at,sell, throw away whatever they decide to do with them. My legacy to them. As with what Griff says a few dollars would be nice in these times but i would just as soon pack them all up for a later date. Just my 2 cents worth. Hope to see everyone at the WVMCC show May 7 8 9. Good hunting! Bruce
  17. Here is one of my favorites! And i think it is ultra rare? I guess i will find out! LOL LOL!! Translucent yellow with lavender swirls! Bruce
  18. I agree with Edna! The Edith Irene is the best of the run! Hope to see everybody soon at the WVMCC show! Thanks, Bruce
  21. Hey Jay, They all look Alley to me. Thanks for sharing them! Bruce
  22. You know i am always ready Bill! I may need a island vacation first, but then? See ya at the rest stop soon. Bruce
  23. WOW Bill, What dynamic pics!!! Thats all i can say! Bruce
  24. Happy B-Day Dave!!! Hope to see you again soon, and thanks for having us! And what Paula,Ron and Edna say"Lets go Mountaineers" Bruce
  25. A little more Cowbell and better living thru Chemistry? LOL LOL ! Bruce
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