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Everything posted by triker

  1. That poor old wooden marble roller didnt stand a chance! So new it is!
  2. WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Steve! Bruce
  3. WOW! Awesome Hansel! I have only 1 regional! But it is in the original box! bruce
  4. A late happy b-day! Ernie!! Bruce
  5. Please let me be the winner! Bruce I aint gonna tell ya!
  6. The sulphides look awesome! Are there some colored glass i see in there? The 2 hand cut agates is what i would like to see! Bruce
  7. Hey, Im one of those nice guys! LOL!!!!!! Bruce
  8. What that in the top left of the Sulphide box? Bruce
  9. Hey Rich, Sent you about 600 marbles today! Via priority mail. you should recieve them this week. Bruce
  10. You better save me a couple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bruce
  11. Retirement is being good to you Ron! Bruce
  12. think i was missing an alley last visit? HMMM! LOL LOL Bruce See ya soon!
  13. Hope to see all my friends ,and new friends as well! Be there Thursday!!! Hey Duffy & Ron, So looking forward to see both of you! Bruce
  14. HAPPY bithday griff :happy-857: Bruce
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