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Everything posted by triker

  1. I do belive that they made a special 4 vane 4 color cateye collectors box. Bruce
  2. WOW! Thanks for sharing! I want that last one (i cant count the colors) Here with my Jabos? Bruce
  3. Galen, I belive in your third post in this thread. Bruce
  4. I just want to say that there are lots of "Fake" contemps" out there to fool lots of folks into thinking there old. But i do not believe Jabo Special Run marbles are being made to fool anybody! Buyer beware and you wont get burned. Lots of other fake marble S--t to worry about other then these beautiful marbles that command good prices on there own merit!Again this is my opinion. Bruce
  5. Galen, Marble King never made any "SPECIAL" Collector Marbles? Just marbles for play? Bruce
  6. I thought my post had a sense of humor! Just what Galen asked for? Marble on folks, Bruce
  7. Hmmm, How much money does everybody make? Do you buy your CAC marbles for monetary investment Galen. I would think not! So i will be glad to trade some of my awesome Jabo"s for some of your CAC"s. Deal? Bruce
  8. Hey!!! How about them Alleys!(Is this hijacking a thread?) Inquiring minds want to know? OOP"S Bruce
  9. It is a great idea! It does not matter who is invited to vote, it matters that some one (Texas Marble Club) did think to try to start there own hall of fame. i am sure some folks dont see eye to eye with thier endeavor but it is THIER ENDEAVOR! And i personally think its great and a wonderful idea!And a work in progress.You guys and gals Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another outsiders observation. Bruce
  10. :character- :: :white-flag Did i do that? Its just to funny Bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 262: Bruce
  11. Its all true!! I was there, broke the poor girls heart! It was nice meeting you Gail, and what a outstanding marble collection you brought! hope you made it home safe. Thanks for the Vitros. Hope to see everybody soon! Bruce
  12. I think that the awards do say "Texas Marble Club American Marble Hall of Fame". That should clear things up! Bruce
  13. Hi Galen, I was wondering who would all the major folks be? And how long was this in development? I do not know. I personally was not involved in this, I am double sure that a lot of folks see it as a great new thing to the hobby. as well as folks that dont see it in the same way. I will say that "This kind of makes a mockery out of the hobby IMO" is a little over the edge IMO. If it is a work in progress it is sure to lead to good things for the hobby. Then again imho. And i can agree to disagree. Bruce
  14. Bocci, Shame on you! Letting the whole world know there is a run of 1" MODERN MACHINE MADE MARBLES about to be put forth to dupe the marble collecting community into buying them as vintage! LOL LOL LOL (And thanks for the info! cant wait to see what the gang,gangs or who ever is in can come up with this time!) Bruce
  15. Its all public knowledge. There is no secret agenda. And Berry Pink was one. Bruce
  16. You Texas people our special! Thanks for the memories. hope to see you and Weldon soon! We had a ball the last couple of days at Mineral Wells. Alas I did not take pics ,but plenty of others did! Bruce
  17. I sold one of these to Pete and gave a couple away to my friends. Come on guys post em! Cant find the one i kept. Steph, do you have any more pics? I was selling a couple as Champion,because i got them in Ritchie County.(Which doesnt mean a hill of beans. i"m sure i posted them in LOM. Bruce
  18. Thanks Steve, it is a work in process! Many Kudos to my Co Authors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks guy for all the friendship! And all the Good times ?!?! Times LOL! Bruce
  19. Now you have to know Steph, that some of my most trusted marble friends might not agree with me! Bruce
  20. Steve is 100% right on the money! And steph yours that came from the Bicentennial bag are 99% Alley. Bruce
  21. Here"s some Alley peewees, i have other colors, will try to get pics soon. they are not handy at the moment. Bruce
  22. Ive already put my bid in! $100.00 I think i will get it!LOL LOL Bruce
  23. Steve, Just heat up a needle red hot and see if it melts into the piece. Bakelight will not allow the needle to penetrate. The polish test we use Simichrome polish if it turns green its bakelight! Good luck and see ya in a couple of weeks. Bruce
  24. Hmmmm? Now for the rest of the story!(coming soon to a theater near you!) Drive careful my friend and will see you soon! Bruce
  25. THEY ARE THE BEST MACHINE MADE MARBLES EVER PRODUCED! Bruce Of course this is my observation!
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