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Everything posted by venwood

  1. Does anyone have a picture of one? How many colors are there in one? Thanks for any help. Stacy
  2. Reno's so close to Hell you can see Sparks. I lived in Stead where the air races were held in the 80's a long time ago. Stacy
  3. I can understand that I bought a lot today that has a golden rebel possiblity but I probably just have my hopes up. I have my fingers crossed. Way to go on that pelt its a nice one. Stacy
  4. Nice! I was watching that auction and was broke had to pass.There was some nice stuff in there glad you got it. Also passed on that Hercules that bert had I got the other one.Pretty sure that was you. Stacy
  5. Hey Steph its Stacy KENT what he said. Stacy Kent Harris
  6. I think those are handmade chinese. Stacy
  7. I was planning to go to canton this year. Thanks for the Info. Stacy
  8. I have never been there but I think I might drive up there this summer. I live north of Dayton Ohio and thanks for putting this up I didn't know it was there. Stacy
  9. This thread got me looking at my older looking glass peltier again. I was sure these were older but never new what to think about them until now. First two rows across plus first two third row have that blue base that will let light thru it but you would think opaque until you put up to light. Third row last two have a green base that you can get light thru. Some of these let thru more light than others. Thanks to all replies.
  10. My My My zaboo gives me chills. Stacy
  11. Happy New Year to all and may you all find that hidden gem. Stacy
  12. The very last picture those marks are what happens when you over work glass in the flame.Rich needs to see he would know more.IMHO Stacy
  13. What was the name of the shop that made marble machines in the 40's? Do you think that the earlier marble makers 1910-1930 made there own machines? Did peltier modify the machines they bought from Miller themsevles? Did Miller make marbles on his own or did he go to work for peltier?
  14. has not set their status

  15. Is there a link to auctions would like to see. Thanks Stacy
  16. I was just saying that millers glass company opened in 1911 and for 10 years M.F.C.had been making money selling marbles and I was thinking that everybody was trying to one up the other guy so he was thinking about or sneaking around to get info about machines years before he opened a glass company. The same with akro all the spying going on. Didn't akro have a patent on corkscrews and most of the machines were making swirled types slags and everyone trying to come up with something different. All this spectulation is addictive. Thanks for the info.Stacy
  17. I guess everyone needs to make there own decisions on that but it looks like miller was designing and modifing machines starting in 1911. I will read all this several time pretty slow going.Thanks again Stacy
  18. Hey rich for some reason your pm never went thru so I sent you one with email address. Thanks Stacy
  19. Hey if want to try pm me your address and how much it will cost and I will mail it to you and you can try if you want. Thanks Stacy
  20. Heres a little brick I think that needs a buffing.
  21. Heres a pic of two of them not banged up but weird shape footballish? Doesn't show in pic to well.
  22. Do you think you can fix? Stacy
  23. Heres that blue and white one has some clear in it too and is 11/16. I think alley can't see any seams. Thanks
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