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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. the smaller sulfide box? or the 2 banded hand cut agates? the big crucifix sulfide is pretty unusual I think.
  2. no unfortunate circumstances. thank goodness. the gentleman they belong to is in his 90's, and is now in assisted living. his son and he were there the entire time, and all agreed it was time for someone else to enjoy them! good cirumstances! ps. still sorting! I can't find the living room, dining room or kitchen either! we've enlisted some extra helping hands, and they are slowly coming along. Nothing like emptying a jar of vitro and marble kings etc and have a gooseberry roll out. LOL! So we have to be careful and make sure something doesn't just 'roll' by.
  3. after 9 hours on the road (phew!) we moved the majority of a 40+ year collection that will be going up on the bay. thought I'd share a few pictures for fun. there's about everything and anything you can think of here gang. stay tuned and watch out auctions. starting later today! it may take us literally weeks just to sort.no kidding!
  4. very sad news indeed. We were thrilled Bruce made it to the last July show. Good guy, Good collector. He will be missed by many. Thanks for letting us know CT. Our condolences to his family.
  5. I think we should all start calling mica's 'glimmers'since they were named such. (funny tho, I thought I had posted that poster a year or so back? oh well, maybe i forgot, but IAMC members have had it in their newsletter some time past. LOL!) I love the fact that many of the german slags have a very similar diaper fold seam as CAC. makes one really wonder...and I bet a few of you go look at your CAC slags.. heehee
  6. WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOUR OTHER BLACK POPEYE! (I assume it's the black and yellow) we had a couple, But one of the board members here got one of them.. lol So now we only have one... but always LOVE to see 'em and always looking for them!
  7. awesome!!! just one question... under super strong light, is the black amethyst or true black opaque?
  8. yeah, looks like alley to me too. terrific, So now the clear alleys with oxblood are now suspect too. (sigh) Including the one we bought from Alan about a year ago. Where's my wrist rocket???
  9. here's a couple of ours, though ya might like the swirl chocolate ox. Many have tried to talk us out of that one! LOL!
  10. hey Dave... Have seen the carmel based with chocolate ox cork, but never a chocolate base with the red oxblood as with the chocolate patch oxbloods. sure would like to tho!
  11. We would love to meet you, and help any way we can!! Hubby and I are 2 of the founders of the IAMC, which does the seattle show. Some weekend, when you have time, we could get-together and talk marbles! Just give a yell!! Dani
  12. hi! welcome! july show... you must be in the seattle/Tacoma area? ~Dani
  13. nope not contemp. machine made for sure. good thought tho!
  14. can't rule out anything on this one. :-)
  15. yeah...lol but what is it? anyone have ideas? Looks kinda master to me, but if you've never seen one before it leaves one wondering??
  16. thats what i want to know too winnie. lol
  17. lol, You would be following Ernie.... he has been Hot Hot Hot with the mibs lately for sure!!! he has the midas touch!(I'm jealous)
  18. Hi chuck, I was hoping you could see the green tint?
  19. this measures 7/8". the gold aventurine 'floats' all through it!Construction resembles master. thoughts and ideas?
  20. I agree Chuck. It would be super if the west and east could agree on all names. ~Ernie
  21. lol BJ, here's a clue... sometimes called a clear zebra. :-) (AND Thanks for the help C.T.)
  22. I'll second that... looks like an akro double ingot to me. :-)
  23. opaque chocolate base, oxblood patch. Never seen one like the one bo pictured.. have also seen it in a swirly patterning. but the bottom line is, opaque base, oxblood on surface. i'll take some pic.s in the next day or two... stay tuned? bill... that's one awesome chocolate oxblood marble!
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