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  1. @westcoast_dave Is there a special discounted room rate for this show?
  2. My vote would be Champion as Ric indicates above.
  3. planning on coming 30 and 31 /how much are rooms ? will be selling rare marble bags out of collections.

  4. The 2024 Des Moines Marble Show will be held on Saturday, June 1st from 9:00am to 2:00pm. In-room buying, selling and trading will begin on Wednesday, May 29th and continue through Friday, May 31st. To make a room reservation, call the Holiday Inn Airport at (515) 287-2400 and ask for Janice Brooner. Reservations must be made by Tuesday, May 14th. The room block will sell out early, so don't wait to make your reservation. Show tables are available for $50.00. Please e-mail [email protected] to reserve a table. Please help us spread the word and share our show flyer on the Facebook groups. Thank you for your support!
  5. If you figure it out, please let me know. I’ve always been curious as well.
  6. The hotel room block for the 2023 Des Moines Marble Show is officially sold out. If you call now, you will be placed on a waiting list and notified if someone cancels.
  7. We have 86 rooms reserved as of yesterday afternoon.
  8. I just took this photo of him last Friday. I cannot believe the news. It truly breaks my heart. This is a tremendous loss for the marble community. Nola, John, Chuck, Ric -- I am so very sorry for your loss.
  9. For the record, I know of more Peltier “Silvers” from the 2008 JABO run, than I do from the Peltier Second Run. Both are scarce, but the Second Run marbles take the cake.
  10. I have 2 or 3 flats (each holds about 250 marbles) plus maybe a few hundred singles of the 2nd run marbles. I have probably less than 300 or 400 individual marbles from the first run. The second run marbles are much better looking than the first. The reds and yellows from the second run are the most difficult to find. The master set above is a photo I shot on my dining room table many years ago. I’ll try to get some updated photos of each style from both runs and get them posted. Thanks for the great post, Steph!
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