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Everything posted by bermar

  1. Thanks everyone. The purple and teal are Dug Akro handgathered slags.
  2. Thank you, Steph, your guesses are usually correct.
  3. 43/64" and 5/8". Thank you. Burt
  4. This has been very helpful. Thank you, all. Here are two more that I need help with. Both are 21/32" Hard to photo. Hope enough detail can be seen. Both have a seam, "9"'s , and tail. Left is opaque to translucent, Right is translucent. Thanks again. Burt
  5. Yes Ann, each has what might be considered a "9" pattern with the end narrowing to a very thin tail. Good observation. A keen imagination can see a small cut line on each. These belonged to Clyde. I wish he was here to tell us about them. Thanks for any more discussion. Burt
  6. Both are 21/32". Both are opaque. Left: Light Green and Yellow. Right: Dark Green and Orange. Thank you for help. Burt
  7. Thanks, I like the way you yup.
  8. Thank you. Bubble-filled green. Also have some with bubble-filled clear. Thanks, Burt
  9. Is this a Peltier Rainbo? Thank You.
  10. All is well here. Thank you for the help.
  11. Is this one simply a flame or could it be a calligraphy? Thank you. Burt
  12. If all ebay pages are similar, go to your My Ebay page then scroll down to a column on the left that will say "leave feedback". Click on it and your feedback page should pop-up. Hope this works.
  13. Marian and I plan to be there, arriving Thursday. Burt Wilkins
  14. Don't know what it is, but have never seen another. Any guesses? The metallic border is the puzzle. Burt
  15. 5/8". Off-White Translucent bases. Thank you. Burt
  16. Thank you for any help. Burt
  17. I'm wondering if the appearance of red could be a reflection of the purple off the edge of the white ribbon.
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