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Everything posted by bermar

  1. Yes, it works well. Nice job. I added a picture of my Blue Galaxy to the i.d. thread by that name.
  2. To the Mayor of Duffy, Ohio, a big Happy Birthday.
  3. I saw your listings and have to admit it was a tempting lot. However, I too, saw they were not all popeyes, so I did not bid. There was a time when popeye patches were highly sought after and your listings error might have been overlooked. Your winning bidder has a point if he did not know, for sure, they were not all popeyes. He has a bit of a point since your description was essentially incorrect. I would not know how to determine the values, but believe a partial refund may be in order. Since your winning bidder saw your "no return" policy, he should honor it, but maybe receive a small refund to cover your error. Just a thought.
  4. Lou, Tried the steps you suggested and got "this upload failed" again. I'll keep trying.
  5. Hey Admin., what's the secret? You can, but others can't add pictures. It's easy elsewhere and it used to be here. Something is different. Thanks for any help. Burt
  6. Great job, Rich. Thanks for attending. It was a pleasure to meet you. Burt
  7. Three attempts to upload pictures this morning, all with the same results....."This upload failed". Don't know what else to do.
  8. Shelby and I fought side by side. When we ran out of ammunition, we used these in our sling shots. I wore a gray coat and blue pants because I couldn't decide which side to fight for. Problem is, I got shot at by both sides. Shelby left me for dead, but took my marbles with him.
  9. If Clyde and Smitty are going to be there, I will be there.
  10. Here are the Jabo Joker Ultra Oxblood Swirls. My mistake. I earlier id's these as Joker II. Sorry about any confusion.
  11. Just talked with my neighbor Jose and he said, "If you are going to Mexico, just give him the 20K and he will double it overnight without making one marble". What do you suppose he meant? How could he do that? I think he's loco. I think we want the marbles, don't we?
  12. The buyer paid within 5 minutes after the auction ended. Derrick, I'll include you in the free lunch......at the Buckeye show. Maybe you, Clyde, and Galen can car pool. ...still puzzled.
  13. Does this mean I should buy you guys lunch at the next show? I'm as puzzled as you are. My wife and I opened the computer when there was about 30 minutes to go and were shocked to see what was happening.
  14. These 3/4" marbles are not signed. Anyone know about them? Thanks for any help.
  15. I was asked to provide pictures of the whole marble along with the signatures. The first looks like stu The group of two look like KO Thank you for any help.
  16. I have seen these in the past, but don't quite remember the specifics. Please tell me what you know about them. Some kind of foreign swirl, I think. Thanks for any help.
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