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Everything posted by bermar

  1. The two together are both signed KO The single marble looks like Stu something. Thanks for any help.
  2. Thank you. I just discovered the second one is a Travis Webber. Still don't know the first one. Here are two more. Just secured a few and I know almost nothing about them. Thanks for any help.
  3. Can anyone help me. Whose signatures are these? Thank you
  4. Forgive my ignorance. I know very little about contemporary handmade artists signatures. I have received a bunch of beauties and need your help. This one is signed with 2 stars. See pic. Thanks for any help.
  5. Sometimes different qualities of white are available at the plant to be used as the base glass. I can only speak for the Jabo Joker team. We choose the color we will use and we bring it with us, or arrange to have it shipped from outside sources, to the plant. Over the three years, we have used a few different base colors. We purchase base glass and a wide range of striking (colors) glass from outside sources for each run. Each investor group differs in their approach to the process.
  6. David, What is a Jabo facsimile? A facsimile is an exact copy of something. Not the real thing. Why would anyone want to take the time to produce a fake Jabo? Are you speaking of remelts? I have some beauties by Andy Davis. Do you have pictures? Just wondering. Burt
  7. Thank you, Edna. We must have been writing at the same time. Burt
  8. Jabo marbles can be made without the white showing. It's a matter of preference. I prefer to see some white. Many Jabo buyers request some white. As has been mentioned above, the striking colors seem to be more vibrant when added to a white base. All the Joker experimental marbles I have seen have the colors on the inside as well as on the outside. Having been involved in choosing the base and the striking colors for a majority of the Joker runs, and having been present for most of those productions, I have seen hundreds of broken marbles. I have worked closely with the above mentioned seller and for 10 years have found him to be trustworthy. Peace....Burt
  9. Has anyone heard if the dates are set for the Buckeye Show in Canton, Ohio in February 2011?
  10. It was good to see you there, Ron, thanks for the kind words.
  11. Thank you for all the greetings. It has been the best. Burt
  12. Russ wasn't there. Must have been someone else.
  13. Just in. Has anyone seen a custard clambroth? My first. The group of 5 are four coreless and one black mist lutz.
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