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Everything posted by bermar

  1. Any more help with mine available? Thanks I don't have a clue.
  2. David, which part of the jungle do you think they are from? Thanks for any help. Burt
  3. "WV CAC" is not what the listing says. It says, "WV/CAC" which means it is either one or the other. I am not supporting the seller, just the construction of English language. Perhaps the description should have been less misleading. Just a thought. Burt
  4. Clyde, If a Vacor has aventurine, does that increase its value? Are you coming to the Canton, Ohio show? Thanks for the help. Burt
  5. Here's a pic of the other side. Burt
  6. Hello Clyde, Thanks for your reply. This one has jet black ribbons on baby blue base in bright light. It also has two seams. Does that fit the peerless definition? Can light aventurine be seen in my pictures? Help me, I am still learning on this one. Burt
  7. Thanks Marblemiser, I just found this one in the wild and wanted to make sure. This one seems to have aventurine. Someone told me a Panda may have translucent Black instead of opaque Black. Maybe others will add information. Burt
  8. I am looking for information about Peltier Blue Panthers and Peltier Blue Pandas. Anyone know about them? Is anything published about them? Are pictures available? Thanks for any discussion. Burt
  9. The seller's reply to me was "most have hit marks or other imperfections, while others are in near mint".
  10. Hi Don, I have some Alox that look a lot like yours. Just a guess. Burt
  11. Thanks everyone. Have we concluded that these are Peltier, Akro, Alley, or "I don't know"? Burt
  12. Thanks all, for your help with my previous threads. These were part of the same collection along with the patches I have listed on eBay that will end soon. Thanks Ron, for your help with the green/blue patches. Could these be Alleys also? Thank you for any help. Burt
  13. Thank you, Plan B. Do others agree? What do you think? Thank you. Burt
  14. No question in my mind, Galen. Contemporary!!! Burt
  15. Pretty much mint. At worst, a micro pinprick or a small rub. The white one is mint with a small flat area at the top right of the "9". Thanks for asking.
  16. Thanks everyone. They are between 21/32" and 11/16". A friend brought them over and asked me to either buy them or sell them for him? Any ideas regarding fair prices? Burt
  17. Thank you. Still not real sure. Can you tell from my picture which pontil type these are? Thanks again Burt
  18. I have always had difficulty telling the difference between transitionals. First, please help with these, and second, please discuss how to know the difference between Navarre, Leighton, M.F.Christensen, German, and Japanese. Thanks for any help. Burt
  19. Excuse the bump. This got moved from I.D. to here with no replies. Maybe this is the correct category and someone here can help. Who do you think made it? Thanks for any help. Burt
  20. Sometimes this is a hard call for me. What do you think? Akro or MFC? Thanks for any help. Burt
  21. Along with a small half-moon nick, it has a very shallow surface rub remaining that Leroy decided not to remove because he didn't want to remove any lutz. Good decision, Leroy. Thanks again. Burt
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