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Everything posted by bermar

  1. Some of you said, "Yep, do it" and others said, "Nope". All good points of view. I think Leroy did a great job and I think it was the right decision. What do you think? Oh, I didn't see the ghost core until today. It's polished size is just a hair under 1 1/2". THANK YOU, LEROY. Burt
  2. Thanks Griff, I had a feeling it was too far gone. Burt
  3. Just found it in the wild. Its a big 1 5/8". Completely covered with hits. Maybe none are too deep. Burt
  4. I don't know how to assess "brain capacity", but if liking both Cac's and Jabos makes me of "lesser", then I guess I are one. I'm sure not forced to like either, it's my choice. Burt
  5. What Galen says is absolutely correct. I love the Jabos and lots of them are beautiful. As I am writing, I am sorting and grading a box of real nice Jabo Joker Rainbows. My personal marble collection contains more Jabo Experimentals than vintage. But, if someone gave me a box this size filled with 1,500 high-end CAC's, I'd have to change my Depends. However, for this "marble-collecting minute" I say "Yes To Jabos", and keep on collecting vintage. Burt
  6. Thank you, Ann. I appreciate your help and your kind words about our Jabo Joker Rainbows.
  7. Thanks, Ann. Here's another view. Burt
  8. Some handmades confuse me. Just picked these up. What have I? Onionskin? Joseph's Coat? Coreless Swirl?? Thanks Burt
  9. Hi Clyde, Great to hear from you. Hope things are going well. My lawn chair is at the Jabo factory. I saw what is left of it there yesterday. Thanks for your kind comment, we think the Rainbows are better than we expected. They would look nice beside that BIG slag. Burt
  10. Jabo, Inc. Plant Manager David McCullough and his crew recently re-configured the furnace, increasing the number of striking-glass capabilities. The changes greatly advanced the experimental marble-making possibilities. On Wednesday, October 21, the Jabo Joker team accepted the challenge. After the Jabo Joker team chose the quality Opaque White base glass and numerous striking colors, well-known north-coast landscape artist Frank Homitz planned and applied those colors. The whole run produced beautiful marbles with full 360 degree coverage. These multi-color marbles contain as many as 7 colors. All the partners, along with several area marble collectors, including most of the original Jabo Joker team, took care of the job assignments for the entire 12 hours. After they saw the marbles, they voted and chose the name Jabo Joker Rainbow marbles. Many thanks to David McCullough, Richard McKnight, and Ron Ewers for their expert work. All of the Jabo Experimental runs have produced beautiful marbles. Here is the latest addition. Burt
  11. Hey Steve, 1993 could not be "newer" than 1998. Typo? I don't have the books, so I can't check the dates. Help me know where to look so I will know what to call my "diaperfolds". Burt
  12. I assume this is not Christensen, but what? Single seam. Burt
  13. John, Since my table was next to yours, I had the privilege of seeing your very professionally made polishing machines. Nice work. I don't believe one person bought all five machines because I think my roommate Clyde bought one of them. It was also great to see the machine in action. Great addition to an outstanding show. Burt
  14. I am headed to Sistersville. I was planning on stopping at Jabo to pick up my lawn chair. Oh, well. Burt
  15. Alan, would those "many, many thousands" be mint? Burt
  16. David, since your comment could mean several different things, I would be very interested in knowing your intention. Please share what you really think. Could your comment be construed as positive, negative, or neutral? Maybe Brandy would like to know. Thanks for your help. Burt
  17. He is a friend. I would buy from him any day. Check out all his other listings that show that thumb nail. No problem. Burt Yes to Jabos
  18. Here's a fine example. It's a Jabo Ultra, made Thursday June 4, 2009. Dave (and others) only made a few, but they are a remarkable improvement over our earlier tries. Guinea-like flecks and lutz. Great coverage. Only a few have smooth surfaces. Burt
  19. Bocci, If it's o.k. you might want to add the 2009 Jabo Ultra Run. Production date: Thursday, June 4, 2009. Thanks Burt
  20. Hi Smitty, I accept that as a compliment. Your Foxfires are outstanding. Maybe it has something to do with the same machine, similar glass, and similar ideas. In any case, I think they are both very special runs. Thanks for the compliment. Burt
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