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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Interesting .... I hoped that would make it easier for me. But no. I'll sit out now and wait for a handgathered specialist to show up.
  2. That thin line of red is a wonderful effect. What does the other end look like?
  3. Hi there. Welcome. I think that's a Master Marble, from the 1930's.
  4. That is simply gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.
  5. I _see_ the glow there. I don't know why this is so hard for me to remember. Maybe it will stick now. That circular action in the close up is very nice to see. Nice contrast to the marbles from, for example, Champion (I think) which are a cloudy white and have a glow but have a wadded up swirly action inside.
  6. In case I didn't already get the difference between "regular" and "blue" that's a nice pic showing "regular". And the ball of aventurine would be nice to hold. ... someone could make that sound kinky if they wanted
  7. I need to see a CAC Moon close up. Or find someone who is a genius at taking pictures and can capture the CAC characteristics in a photos. Well, this photo Bob posted in that other thread does show some nice CAC action.
  8. Fenton shut down most of their operations 6 years ago. And now they're about to be gone for good -- the building is to be demolished. In commemoration, here is an interesting video. Marbles are mentioned -- when they talk about items which don't pass quality control, and so they get crushed and the glass would be turned into marbles. I know Jabo used some of that glass. Not sure about Marble King.
  9. Welcome. Sorry for your loss. Look forward to seeing your marbles.
  10. I think you'll be sad if you say goodbye to one of your two fisheye moonies. You should keep 'em, for your well-rounded collection. Serious answer.
  11. Note: a. I can't remember if CAC's are supposed to have glow b. Having the glow doesn't automatically make a white marble one of the more valuable ones
  12. The first and third Akro Fisheyes!! And there's the glow.
  13. Akro Moonies -- I think pre-fish-eye
  14. Okay! Then someone get us started! MY picture taking has NOT come all that far! I'm still way behind. And my marbles are still covered up with moving boxes. And I definitely do not have a CAC Moon to try to show off the particular CAC features.
  15. Spring has sprung. 50 degrees (F) ... snowbanks are almost all gone.
  16. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/22740-time-for-a-moonmoonie-thread/
  17. Anyone wanna share pix of Akro Moonies or CAC Moons? Here's an older thread with some examples ... http://marbleconnection.com/topic/19957-christensen-agate-moons-box/ Would be cool to update and show more variety. Picture-taking has come a long way.
  18. There _are_ white marbles with value. There are specific structural features we look for in them. Akro moonies will sometimes have what are known as "fish eyes". And the older ones have a more translucent look to them. There are also certain structures to look for on Christensen Agate moons. It's time to have a new thread on those. I'll start one in the main chat forum.
  19. The colors are solid and distinct enough that I'm thinking abut CAC. Those green circles are strange to me though. Galen? @lstmmrbls?
  20. When I saw the first bright bubbly pic, I thought of a couple of possibilities for it. Either a Vitro Conqueror with the orange misplaced, or a Bogard cat's eye. With this second photo, I'm leaning toward Vitro Conqueror with a non-typical color distribution. Just leaning though. Open for other input.
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