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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Akro is a good guess. Circa 1930's. Second choice Master -- same time period. What size? If Akro or Master I can't see mica or lutz being a possibility. Could be debris or small reflections from hit marks.
  2. Well hello, Rick. Nice to see you. Pelt us with something.
  3. I agree with modern. And foreign. I'm leaning Asian on the little speckled ones. (The other choice is Mexican but I think Asian.) The size of the toebreaker makes Vacor de Mexico a strong possibility for that one.
  4. Hi Puck! You're adorable! I once had a cat who loved marbles. Now I wish I'd let him have more of them. If any of my future cats ever want to play I'll never tell them no.
  5. I don't see a pontil -- that's some kind of damage. This marble saw some major action. 25.2mm? So that's an inch. I was going to say Peltier Peerless patch, but that guess would have been for a smaller sized marble. Because of the large size I'm getting more of a Vitro feeling now. What a wonderful patch.
  6. Well, that's a good question. The red looks transparent in these photos, so maybe it's an Onyx, rather than a Prize Name. The white is very thick and rich though, which would make me guess earlier Onyx cork rather than later?
  7. Oh shoot! I didn't include my new peewee latt! Will have to get a new pic and put it in the peewees thread.
  8. I could learn to like these.
  9. I gave it my first reading tonight. With the emphasis on photos, it's easy to peruse in one sitting, and I look forward to doing it again. In addition to the packaging pictures there are historical documents and advertisements.
  10. Nice ones my flickery flamey firey marble.
  11. I did a quick newspaper search and see results from 1948 and 1949.
  12. What a sad story and bittersweet remembrance. A treasure. I would never separate them either.
  13. You're making me itch to go find some corks.
  14. What a beautiful pair. Keepers!
  15. The white glass doesn't look quite opaque enough for me to be thinking much about CAC. I'd probably keep Alley or Ravenswood in the mix for now.
  16. New toy to me. Very nice. (Knew the rhyme.) Sounds like fun. Sounds like you've made it go?
  17. p.s., and there's a picture near the end of that link, from Charles.
  18. My pictures are missing from this other thread -- darn Photobucket -- but yeah, stained glass is associated with Akro. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/11516-1930-akro-boxes/
  19. I see you uploaded a photo in the gallery. I'll post it here. I recognize that pattern. Can't remember for sure if I've seen it with Akros. It is very familiar though. I can do some digging. Meanwhile others might have pertinent comments.
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