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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Hi Jayson. Sorry to hear that Rich is not doing well. I think of him often. Please send him my regards. Thank you. Good luck with the show.
  2. Steph


    interesting .... This town has lots of kinds of industry. Shipbuilding. Aluminum foundries. Among others. And lots of trains going through. I realize there's a wide range of industrial equipment I'd never ever guess, due to lack of experience.
  3. At an antique store, I bought a case to hold photo slides. For $15? I can't remember. Something low. But it already had some slides in it. The store owner offered to dump the slides into the trash for me. I said no, I'd keep them. Could be fun. Turned out they were taken by a solider stationed in Germany after WWII, circa 1952. They included pictures of Hitler's Eagle's Nest. Those slides sold well on ebay. Paid for my little case many times over. I think I've posted examples here before. Here's one -- at least I'm pretty sure that's what this picture is even though I don't see this view online.
  4. Steph


    That's what I was wondering! Someone else said no, because of the "externally loaded hatch spring". So still wondering.
  5. Steph

    Post Your Peewees

    My growing peewee handmade collection
  6. The little girl Terry, played by Sherry Jackson, from Make Room for Daddy grew up to be a sexy android on Star Trek.
  7. So ... to be serious .. I had NO idea they were putting stuff inside the marbles like that.
  8. It just looks like it was put there on purpose. It was aventurine! So much aventurine it reduced into copper and crystallized into a star.
  9. Steph


    LOL! Okay, then what WAS it!
  10. I can't remember ever seeing the Vitro seam on one of these before, I see it in your bottom right view.
  11. @ann .... that one is for you .......
  12. Agree. Looks like fire damage. Interesting piece.
  13. Buncha eye candy there. George Sourlis sent me some Running Rabbit videos. My husband put them on DVD. So I (and one other person) have those.
  14. The 2nd from the left makes the patch designation obvious rather than an unswirly swirl. And still see why Vitro would be in the mix. Also wondering about non-American possibilities too ... continuing to brainstorm ... haven't found a match either way ... obviously.
  15. Do we have any confetti in this thread yet? That's Patry's pic. Those are the classic Anacortes styles. If I understand correctly, Linda Moore Simmons has a whole bunch of different colored confettis made during her father's tenure at the plant in West Virginia. But I've only seen them on facebook and am a bit shaky on the subject.
  16. New ones! Veterans Run. November 8. Nice colors. Base clear with white. Winning combo. And some bonus lutz. *happy*
  17. I'm surely not saying "not Vitro". My brain is still trying to picture the packaging they might have been in. ... while waiting to hear from folks who know more
  18. My guess is not. But that's a category which has surprised me. I might not have guessed Vitro even. The colors look WV swirl to me so I wonder if it might be an unswirled swirl. Curious.
  19. Women were able to become Marines starting in 1918. Ginger Rogers' mother was a Marine.
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