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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Neat. Definitely learned something new here. Don't know where I got the idea that they topped out around 3/4" but that idea was pretty solidly stuck in my head. Hopefully we have knocked it out permanently now.
  2. I never quite understood about the back seam -- like how it was made or why we don't have it now. Now it clicks. Thank you, Jerry.
  3. Here are my big 'uns from Nancy -- I still have the bag, but I couldn't help taking 'em out. It was just a matter of prying open a staple. Can be reassembled. (click to enlarge)
  4. Here's a nice size pic of one of the Alox boulders bags -- photo from Mike -- Runner's Dad. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/8500-alox-shooters/?do=findComment&comment=74035
  5. You're definitely on track. I'm not totally sure about which decade that Vitro header is from either. I would also have late 50's or somewhere in the 60's as my guess but maybe I could/should do a little more digging and I could pin it down. I very much like the Aqua Jewels bag. You're right about the Army, Navy, Air Force Alox bags being wrong! And about the "RIO Theatre" bag having modern Asian cat's eyes in it. However, yes, Alox did have poly bags. (Bigger versions of the next two here: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/6691-mostly-pix-alox-agates)
  6. Fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun FUN Sharing this one on my family's facebook walls!
  7. For posterity ... I have learned that the bags are known from the 1950's. So that clears up the decade. I learned from Chuck B. that his marble mentor Ray Cerri bought them during the mid-1950's in South Bend. Back then Ray and his friends called them Chinese Boulders, so that's what Chuck calls them, in Ray's memory.
  8. You're very welcome! Thank you for the kind words. (That's an intense schedule.)
  9. And snakes are something different still. We have some nice Akro threads with snakes mixed in. I'm still looking for a thread with just snakes ... or with the snake sorted out so they'll be easy to see. Here are some snakes -- clear base with coils kinda near the surface: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/21572-akro-agate/?do=findComment&comment=191392
  10. Some collectors call a different type of marble "Aces". Ones with more of a creamy base, like in the post linked here. Akro called those something else. But many collectors call them Aces.
  11. Here is a thread with the marbles that Akro called Aces:
  12. That's a good question. Offhand I can't recall any Vacors with uranium glow. But I don't remember checking them for it. Marble King did make some relatively recently -- within the past 20 years, I think. And Jabo was known to use uranium glass cullet -- recycled scrap Burmese glass from Fenton. But currently? This I do not know.
  13. I'm curious about how much this sold for. http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/antique-1800s-hand-forged-handle-1505320736 I know I can sign up for a free trial, and still might, but I'd rather not give credit card info and stuff just to see this one price. Thanks if you can help!
  14. Nice! Makes me wonder what the most recent high profile publicity is that marbles have received.
  15. Without seeing them, I'm pretty sure you're correct about the cinema promo bags. You could start a "newbie learning about marble bags" thread which you bump as needed. [Edit: And you could keep adding to this thread.] Could be a sort of interesting way of tracking your journey. Could provide a nice perspective for other newbies. Or you could start a new thread for each individual bag. Whatever your preference.
  16. Some people don't like links to active auctions. You can get around that by right-clicking on the image in the ebay listing to get the address and post that link directly. (The forum software should automatically turn the link into a viewable photo.) Then we just have the picture and we can chat about it. (I doubt most mind a new collector's links to auctions for purposes of gaining vital information, but just posting the pic for a general discussion should cover the bases.)
  17. Nice. Spheres have staying power.
  18. Here's a polished one Mike posted which showed innards from a different perspective ... http://marbleconnection.com/topic/7520-under-the-onions-skin/?do=findComment&comment=138785
  19. Coolness! My one and only brick is 11/16".
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