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  1. Steph

    St. Marys Alleys

    The ones in the Marble King bags will be St. Marys ... right? Some boulders ...
  2. Anyone wanna post some classic St. Marys Alleys ... and maybe later talk about the range of variation. But first some of the ones which a new swirl student might have a good chance of recognizing? (I have a Mr. Peanut bag I can post but that means getting a picture, and you know me with the love-hate thing for my camera.)
  3. Agree on the transparent ones being Pelt. If the red and white has a colorless base, it's a Sunset. If a green base, it's a 7-up. If other base, I guess we stick with Rainbo. Well, if you get a Mr. Peanut bag it might have St. Marys Alleys in it. And if you get a Marble King bag with Alleys in it, I think they're St. Marys. ... gonna start a thread to confirm ..... We have an awesome Alley thread, but they're not divided by place. Not sure if we have a special St. Marys thread.
  4. Transparent swirl. Looks old. And nice. But I don't have a direction to go for narrowing down a company.
  5. Very shiny in this pic. So shiny I might think new on them. But from the other pic, and together with the rainbos, I'll say likely vintage here also. And agree with St. Marys Alley.
  6. Oh my! Ow ... I have busted ribs ... and between laughing and repetitive squeeing, I'm in pain. That is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute.
  7. The pink is dreamy. I started to suggest pink for all your bases but I'm not sure how ox would look on pink. Thanks for progress report!
  8. U.S. Dollars here http://www.ebay.com/sch/sweetjewel23/m.html
  9. Whoever thought of the Marble Mobile, kudos to them for the whimsy. I had sone adorable little Japanese tin litho cars which fit into matchboxes. Sold 'em. The next time I find any I'm keeping 'em. And getting special vintage matchboxes for them.
  10. I don't know a reason for it. Seems it has to change some time, eh? I first learned 1970 as vintage 10 years ago, and those bags from 1975 are ten years older now. At some point they have to qualify as vintage, right? heh
  11. I looked at it before I read the description and I was oohing and aahing at how aquatic the pictures look. The chalkie V is silvery on my screen. Is it silvery in hand? Where is the green in the picture coming from? Inside? Neighboring marble?
  12. Woohoo! You go, Timmy! Oh no, I gave it away. LOL ... yeah, I could play with that for hours!
  13. You found a bin with ten cent marbles? That would be fun to play in. Good eye.
  14. Richard got me wondering about this. Anyone have a good handle on labels from those "not officially vintage" but "getting kinda old now" times? Al, this question might mostly be for you, but of course anybody and everybody is welcome.
  15. Tiny little p.s. ... I can usually ID MK bags from before the 60's. And there is one style of MK cat eye from the late 50's which stands out. The style known as St. Marys. If you see some of those in MK bags, then I'd say bid. Some St. Marys cats: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/20993-calling-all-cats-eyes/?do=findComment&comment=185300
  16. What kind of feedback are you getting on that last one (Mr. "^^^^came together")? Interesting colors. Has anyone jumped up to say, "Oh yeah, I have one of those too"? Are they saying, "gimme gimme gimme"?
  17. I don't know how to age Marble King bags at all. Maybe Al can help with that. My first thought was it might be newer but then I let the "No age/swallowing notices" comment sink in and that could put it in the year range you mention. But no, I couldn't tell the difference between a 60's or 70's MK cat's eye. I likely wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a 50's and a 90's MK cat's eye. Some of their cat's eyes now have different colors and textures (some samples) but I'm under the general impression that they made about the same kind of cat's eye for decades. Would need a closer look at the Peltier bag. What style of marble is in them? If it's a four vaned cat eye, then yes, it's likely Marble King. Peltier and Marble King had a close relationship. However, if it's bananas, then they're Peltiers. The Peltier bags with Marble Kings in them are nice oddities to have. The Peltier bags with bananas in them are nice ones to have. So either way, cool.
  18. There might be a 7-up in the mix. However, that's the only possible named one I recognize at this time. Most Rainbos are not named anything other than Rainbo. Names are usually reserved for the NLR's. (NLR = National Line Rainbo -- so they're still Rainbos, eh? They're an older style though, which came from the late 20's and early 30's. And often appear in boxes which say National Line on them. And that's where you'll have a better chance of having named ones, such as Zebra, Christmas Tree, John Deere, etc.)
  19. Vintage. Most of 'em would be Peltier Rainbos. A style introduced in the mid-1930's. Made for a long time after that. Not sure that they didn't cross into the 70's, but you may safely call them vintage.
  20. And after the Danny Thomas reboot, of course I gotta see the Ozzie and Harriet reboot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Cg9Tc6nXGI
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