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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    What is it?

    Hi Bud! You have a Master there. Probably from the 1930's. (Could be 1940's but I think 30's.)
  2. European. Probably from Amsterdam. Veiligglas. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/21465-mostly-pix-veiligglas/
  3. http://www.3ders.org/articles/20151113-stunning-3d-printed-marbles-let-you-hold-the-universe-in-the-palm-of-your-hand.html
  4. Here's one more little one ... not sure who it's designed by ... maybe the person in post #2 ... but assembled by someone else. (He downloaded the instructions from thingiverse.com.) (You can click the titles to get to youtube to see what the video owners had to say about them.)
  5. And here's someone who prints up larger components to make less-assembly-required machines.
  6. http://makezine.com/2015/07/01/3d-print-marble-machine/
  7. oh yes ... me too. I've been using "pulchritude" a lot these days. I need to work "crepuscular" in.
  8. Replace "obvious cutlines" with "obvious pattern". I dwelt too much on lines. It's broader than that. MFC's have the 9 and tail. CAC's often have obvious seams, one or two, sometimes with a "road and tunnel" pattern. In your first pic, I thought I might be seeing the "tunnel", but without the seam and road underneath it, it's just a fold. Peltiers can have their famous feathering. Akros CAN have a pattern -- sometimes they were handgathered. But they also are known for a more random look with their non-handgathered examples. So if the famous patterns are lacking ... that points to Akro.
  9. So no obviously cutlines? I'm gonna lean toward Akro slag. The Euroslags that I'm familiar with do have cutlines, which resemble Christensen Agate lines. If there are no obviously lines at all -- and if it is a slag -- then that points toward Akro.
  10. Words which could be their own opposites. I know there are some better known examples, but this one struck me today: "resigned" That could mean you quit ... or you signed back up. We have a different word for sign back up ... "reenlist" ... but I am still not sure that "resign" couldn't mean "sign again".
  11. Thank you for clarifying about the shade. In this view it looks like a slag. That would not rule out European. However, the immediate vibe is American. More views please ... are there any clear cutlines?
  12. Steph


    Best guess on that view is Vitro. In the Conqueror family. The orange patch shape isn't a gimme, but the white makes it look like a Vitro. Peltier Rainbos will usually have the same colors on both sides of the marble. So both orange and white on both sides for this example.
  13. A little something different. Old Time Radio Drama on NPR Series: Escape Episode: The Man Who Won the War Date: Feb. 28, 1950 http://www.wpr.org/shows/escape-55 Non-NPR link with more info: http://www.oldtimeradiodownloads.com/thriller/escape/the-man-who-won-the-war-1950-02-28
  14. Back in the 1970's I rode from Texas to Oklahoma in a 1931 Dodge. It was quite the adventure for a kid. But then the Dodge was parked in an open shed up there in Oklahoma and left to the elements. I doubt there's much left of it. It looked a lot like that Austin.
  15. Can't remember any Champion cat's eyes. Can't remember factory names either. So I'll say "unnamed".
  16. It helps so much to have the marbles in hand. What other mysteries did they solve?
  17. Fascinating. Congratulations.
  18. As soon as I saw the thread title, I thought Champion. Even though the bag was unsealed, on this instance, I wouldn't worry about that being someone else who snuck in. Looks Champion all the way. P.s., lovely photo.
  19. I heard about it when Mark noticed it ..... http://marbleconnection.com/topic/22087-what-is-up-with-ebays-marble-listings/ It's gonna be so much harder to scoop up the good Buy-It-Nows.
  20. That middle one is mine. Nobody else bid on it.
  21. I have my feelers out. Have heard of some dug ones similar to this one. Thought they might be smaller. Info possibly pending.
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