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Everything posted by Steph

  1. It's very nice to see the swirl motion and the glass quality. I LOVE the transparent red.
  2. Christensen Agate or Peltier? Or handmade?
  3. Does this count as "fancy"? (Just looking at Craig's word for marbles which won't show up in his CAC project. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/22088-cac-slag-colorsize-help/)
  4. It's bias talking now, but I picture the prettier ones as being older. Maybe 60's. That's a shot in the dark for me. I can't swear they're not making any like them now ... I just am not aware of it. Winnie may actually have enough clues to piece together a decent record of their evolution. As to "where", I picture Japan first for the machine-mades ... starting back in the 20's or 30's. Then in the 50's I know that Hong Kong joined in. Then I go to Taiwan. And then China proper.
  5. LOL ... yeah ... ebay description watching is a popular pastime!
  6. Georgeous blending and streaming. beautiful.
  7. Nice observation about the font. Will be interesting to see some of those up close. The white in clear reinforces my shyness about identifying transparent swirls. I'm pretty sure I have a Jackson which looks like those. Will be interesting to see if there are any major differences ... or if this is more evidence that for some we really can't say if we don't know what bag they came in.
  8. Oh, I couldn't avoid it. I've been calling her a couple of times a month for a long time now. Sometimes more often. I would talk to her for about half an hour and to my dad for a few minutes. Sometimes I would talk to Dad first because it was easier to have a conversation with him when I hadn't used up all my stories on Nancy. But mostly I would talk to Nancy. So it would be horrible, horrible, horrible, unthinkable, for me to stop calling her. But still very strange not to have her ask, "So would you like to talk to your Dad now?" That was the big gaping hole in the routine that I was afraid would be hanging there. But it was okay.
  9. hmmmmm .... If multiple strands sorta running from pole to pole, then I'm leaning foreign, with Master as the second choice. If a swirl with more random hither and thither movement ... I don't have a guess.
  10. yes ... nick ... I think a nickname used by real kids back in the day ... not just a collector's name.
  11. Swirl structure? Or ribbons running from pole to pole?
  12. True Akro Aces: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/17380-akro-aces-early-1930s/ The "narrow, distinct strip of opalescent glass" isn't usually that narrow or distinct ... the key is the "opalescent". That's where the orange glow comes in. On the other hand there are the marbles which collectors have come to call Aces. Those are different from the official Akro Ace line. You can see some of the collector's verson here: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/21259-akro-ades/?do=findComment&comment=188896 They have a creamy translucent base -- without the glow. (Could be reflected glow from red ribbons but won't be fire coming from inside the white.)
  13. (The Asian ones tend to have Master-like cutlines so then it becomes a matter of recognizing colors and textures.)
  14. Just for the record, I note these are Marble Kings. Glad to see them in the thread though -- it's good to have the examples of the cross-over packaging. Close relationship between the Peltier owners and Berry Pink of Marble King.
  15. Tricky ... lets see those cutlines. We could be looking an an Asian marble.
  16. Yes, Akro. Corkscrew. And I THINK it could be a true Ace. When you shine the light through it do you see at least a hint of an orange glow? Looks like Ace texture to me, and I think I'm seeing a hint of glow.
  17. I think they qualify as baseballs. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/20835-post-a-marble-with-a-name/?do=findComment&comment=197069
  18. I vote Peltier patch on the top of the new group. Leaning Akro on the next two pics. Then I think Vitro again for the last red patch. Then maybe Peltier Rainbo on the yellow -- if there are yellow ribbons on both sides.
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