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Everything posted by Steph

  1. ... sorry one's missing but that's a vintage lot, so good chance we're looking at a vintage marble. Akro is sounding good.
  2. Hopefully we're looking at an Akro corkscrew with a fatter than usual ribbon, so it's not very twisty.
  3. I am fond of the themed runs like Marble Mountain. But longest run sounds like something you MUST try for sometime. Now could be the time.
  4. I think I remember most of this one. I need to try to reconstruct it. And then decide if I like it! Yes, I remember. And each son ends up with slightly more than the will said he should get, so it gets my stamp of approval.
  5. I definitely need more vaseline. And am Akro Superman. Believe it or not, I don't have one yet. Superman and vaseline corks and slags. Need to go put those on my list while I'm thinking of it. (I just started making a list of lists. And I need to add some marbles to it.)
  6. It's not too hard to see why Peltier stayed successful in the marble business for decades. Their "plain" marbles made with the less expensive glass are still very pretty. Also, I agree, I'm not aware of that one having a name. I think that some people lump them in with Champion Jrs. but I think that's a very small segment of marbledom.
  7. Yes, happy birthday, Jelle. Hoody, I see no one answered about the cyclists ... they're ringing a bell for me ... I saw some information about marbles races with little cyclists about 8 years ago ... so it's very fuzzy now.
  8. Hoping we're looking at an Akro corkscrew. Possibly we're looking at something newer. Can you pin down a corkscrew action? I see one ribbon end ... what happens on the other end of that red ribbon? Is it located on the opposite side of the marble from the first end?
  9. The gob feeder was a mechanical way of dropping the right amount of glass onto the roller. It replaced the hand-gatherers and their punties.
  10. Okay, I finally got it sort of. I know where all the money is. I know where the mistake is. What I don't know is why it's so easy for that particular problem to trick us.
  11. This is an oldie, but one I never figured out. Getting out my paper now to try to solve it. Three people check into a hotel room. The clerk says the bill is $30, so each guest pays $10. Later the clerk realizes the bill should only be $25. To rectify this, he gives the bellhop $5 to return to the guests. On the way to the room, the bellhop realizes that he cannot divide the money equally. As the guests didn't know the total of the revised bill, the bellhop decides to just give each guest $1 and keep $2 as a tip for himself. Each guest got $1 back: so now each guest only paid $9; bringing the total paid to $27. The bellhop has $2. And $27 + $2 = $29 so, if the guests originally handed over $30, what happened to the remaining $1?
  12. Jimmy and Joe and Kedo say not enough time. *oops*
  13. For what it's worth, I find the errors potentially educational also. You could leave the picture but edit it to say that you have since learned that this marble -- which could be confused for CAC -- is likely not. Just a thought. We can also delete all traces if that is preferred.
  14. P.s. slags aren't usually described as having "ribbons". If you're seeing some of the glass as taking the form of a distinct ribbon, that's one of the signs that we may be looking at a swirl. .... just a thought which might help the slag vs. swirl distinction gel ....
  15. What can I say, I love adjectives almost as much as marbles.
  16. Thanks, Scott! Richard, I know I should get it myself, but if you beat me to it, give us a review.
  17. I view white as the base color on this one. That would take it out of slag contention for most purposes. But I see why someone might think it has a clear base ... or "clear matrix". "Matrix" is a word I have never fully understood in connection with marbles. That might be a good question for the whole room. Okay ... stop rambling, Steph .... whether that base is technically clear filled with a lot of white or white mixed with a little clear, we have a "swirl". I think it's Veiligglas.
  18. Asian is my first thought also. Possibly Mexican. I'd guess significantly newer than your handsome plum one.
  19. *blush some more* She really doesn't do praise well, though she appreciates it greatly. P.s., Thanks to Lou for providing us with this site. It has a lot of history. It used to be Alan's Marble Connection ... Alan being Alan Basinet AKA MarbleAlan, who left a mark on all of us before he passed away in 2012.
  20. Grrrrr, Bumble! She sometimes moves ID requests to the general forum! To get more eyes on the unusual ones!
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