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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I'll have to go back and check out what daft thing I said. Also will have to listen to more of Andrea's music. Can you believe I'm the only one ever to hit like on the marble one on YouTube? It's been up for more than a year. We need to send her some more love.
  2. Mt. Migration? Surely not? Did someone make a joke? I don't remember.
  3. Thanks for bumping that! That link didn't work for me this time but here's a Youtube version. Happy place song.
  4. My dear departed cat is Facebook friends with Victoria Jackson of Saturday Night Live fame. Watching the Season 6 episode of X-Files in which she stars and that made me go check Brother's Facebook account to see if they're still friends. Sure enough, they are.
  5. Yes to uranium for the bright yellow and yellow/green. (I think something else may cause some shades of green, but yes to uranium being the typical cause of that.) I think it is manganese which usually gives us the orange and red glow. (It's an m-word but I often forget which one. I think I have it correct this time.) If you pull the brightest glowing marbles out and let your eyes get adjusted to the dark again, other marbles will then seem to come through relatively brightly. If you do that a few times, you can get down to levels of glow with different colors coming through. But they're more subtle. I don't know what causes all the different shades. It's just fun to notice sometimes.
  6. Another West Virginia swirl. Not a well defined pattern and not a color which stands out to me, so I'm sticking with generic WV Swirl.
  7. "Transparent swirl" is all I can give you on this one. IMHO, likely a West Virginia variety.
  8. ??????? West Virginia swirl?????? What does it look like under blacklight? Which parts if any glow, and what color if any is the glow?
  9. Eeeuw. That's interesting in a grotesque way. That's not the pretty white brick debris we're used to. Weerd.
  10. I think the population of bunnies is in the process of being increased presently. Well, of course it is somewhere. But I think it's happening in my backyard now. Poor Joe, gonna try hard to keep the resolution not to let him out into the backyard this summer.
  11. .... sorry for only silently oohing over Brian's vase
  12. This photo by Jeff Hale shows what Marble King's veneering looked like from the inside:
  13. Someone is getting a shot at a wonderful piece of history. Good luck to you.
  14. no kidding! You could submit that for a photo contest and you'd get all kind of oceanic and meteorologic guesses for it.
  15. ???? LOL ... well, THAT was pretty darn random!
  16. P.p.s., I better move this to the main chat area so that maybe a Jabo afficionado will see it. I'll add a tag to the title.
  17. Wellll .... most speckled marbles aren't special. But some are. And I _think_ that yes, the ones from a run like that could be. In addition to experimenting with different kinds of glass, people also experimented with things like adding frit to the outside of the marble. That's as specific as I dare to try to get. I don't know the finer points of what Jabo and DAS contract run collectors might be looking for. (Re DAS -- the contract runs at Jabo were started under the supervision of Dave McCullough. Eventually he and Jabo parted ways. Contract runs continued under Jabo AND contract runs continued at a different site with Dave. Dave's current operation is D.A.S. LLC. D.A.S. for Dave's Appalachian Swirls.) P.s.,Are any of the speckles made of lutz? Coppery/golden bits which sparkle? That's always good.
  18. My name for that size is boulder. That's a lovely example in a nice size. I am reasonably sure it was made in 2000 or later.
  19. In late 2007, I think it was, someone introduced aventurine into a run at Jabo. That turned to oxblood. It started a revolution which resulted in some very lovely marbles. The 2007 oxblood inspired a series of "contract runs". Investors would come together and fund the runs, with the different special kinds of glass which each one had. So, what you have is from one of those contract runs, and having a labeled package for it, with the date and name of the run ... that is a good thing. Yes, I would call it "special".
  20. Thanks Ron! I'm sure Ron meant "no rattle". I wouldn't say anything ... except that's the opposite of "now rattle". So
  21. Chuck, I love that you didn't know how special your green fizz was and just admired it as a photogenic marble. Ed, what an eclectic assortment.
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