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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Bananas!? Oh no! Oh no! Three companies made them?! I'm gonna quit trying to ID bananas!
  2. Jerry ... you there? Didn't you have some luscious red cat's eyes? Found 'em! Aren't those luscious! Base looks red to me in the picture but it's clear and all the color is bursting from the vanes.
  3. Yes, they did have ade patches. The Ades were Moss Agates. And I'm pretty sure some of the Ades patches had at least a little extra white to go along with the main color. (I'm seeing some extra white on yours, yes?)
  4. I wondered if they could be Masters but I don't know how we could tell. We could start a thread asking about the range of Master's seams or Master's translucent bases or Master's UV reaction ... but unless we have folks looking at original packaging that might not be very informative. Most of what we think about Akro versus Master has been passed down like an oral tradition among collectors. Our IDs are made based on that tradition and the ID's reinforce themselves. Long seam for Akro. Short seam for Master. UV-reaction for Akros. Not UV-reaction for Master. So if I start a thread for Akro patches and a thread for Master patches, people might sort them by stereotypes, and I'm betting a lot of marbles would end up in the wrong thread, with errors going both ways. It could turn out that if we had a bunch of Master's boxes we could find a lot of marbles with traits that we have been identifying as Akro. And there are surely some Akros I've been calling Master.
  5. They're a little odd. I kinda wanted to suggest something else. But, nah, Akro sounds right.
  6. I just received news that "Marble Mike" has passed away. Condolences and best wishes to his friends and family. http://www.rayandmarthas.com/obituaries/m.obituaries/95/view/b3eff979-e72e-4c19-87cc-fa831de1c005
  7. Here is Marlo Keith's Ruby Slippers, found on Pinterest. Made by Peltier. I don't think I have one. Simply elegant. I don't know if it is a "Ruby Slippers" or a "Ruby Slipper" though. Heard it both ways.
  8. Huh, weird ... link isn't working for me either. Okay ... I took a space out of the link. Maybe it will work now. Anyway, I was looking at the first picture in post #3. Shiny picture of just the marble in question. No extras in the picture.
  9. This thread is making me think of Marblemiser. Haven't heard from him in awhile.
  10. Thank you. ♥ I called Brother a bear sometimes. And we call Joe a panther.
  11. Aw, yeah, poor thing. Another veteran of marble games. Could be the glow I'm thinking of. The glass I have in mind is transparent, so it has a different look to it. But if you're seeing actual blue light emanating, that could be the same chemical colorant.
  12. LOL, yes ... what Gail said. Don't feel guilty about not loving those. Those are commons. Good to give to Cub Scouts for their marble achievement award. These two here are Vitro Agates: http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-FKdPdrk They're from the 1950's. Those are the most identifiable in your group, and the ones that people would be most likely to consider collectible from this particular set.
  13. Oh yes. All those little circles are called moons. They're hit marks. On most marbles you don't want hit marks. But on old time agates ... well, some people still wouldn't want them ... but for some of us it makes the marbles special. They are warriors. Veterans. Those are ones that real kids played with. Many marble games. Some kid or kids loved those. And in this case, I'm intrigued by the patterns. I'm not familiar with ones with a brown cap on one side and all translucent on the other. That adds an extra layer of coolness to 'em.
  14. In the group of five, I think slags on the left ones. The right ones are "patches", but what kind. I think they are Akro. The middle is different. It's pretty glossy -- could get some more votes for being newer. But basically I can't remember for sure ever seeing one like that. I do see the purple on the edge of the white here: http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-cHcC26K
  15. Oh, those outside ones are nice. The middle is a popular one -- much more common than the outside ones though. Middle is a Vitro All-Red. It is one of the newer marbles from your group -- estimate 1960's on that one. I get a strong Master feel on the right. I'm wavering between Master and Akro on the left. Maybe leaning Master right now?
  16. At that size, and with the marbles they came with, I'll say Alley for all. But still wait for a second opinion.
  17. Two stripes? My guess on this one as a standalone marble might have been foreign. I might have guessed a little newer on this one as I would have with the cat eye. But I can't swear to have ever seen another one like it. It reminds me most of a couple of mystery marbles in my own collection which I never pinned down. At least one of mine had a very dark brown base, if I recall correctly. Do you have any others like it?
  18. This looks like one of the newer marbles in your group. If I saw that marble alone, I would have guessed it to be from the 70's or later ... so maybe it slipped in ... that can happen with older groups. Or maybe I'm just wrong about what decade it would have come from.
  19. Gonna go with oddball cat eye. I was gonna argue that the mark really was a crack ... but now I see how it might just be a pronounced cutline. With the base tint, I think Asian.
  20. Glad you posted these here. I'm VERY curious about them. I'm wanting Ric or one of the other Alley gurus to show up and say they're uncommon Alleys! (To go along with the other nice Alleys you have.) But that's just wishful thinking on my part for now .....
  21. Bump ... still curious ... are they both bumblebees? ... even the one with the greenish shade?
  22. These are the ones I at least once-upon-a-time associated with the name "Burnt Sunset" (BT's and RAR's)
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