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Everything posted by Steph

  1. On a related note -- some blue based ones with white bananas. Ray Tetrick found these in a Pelt cat eye bag.
  2. My best guess based on the coloring and distribution is Marble King. Maybe the veneer went wrong. That's assuming that they're American.
  3. Sure thing. Hopefully someone else give a second/third opinion though on whether it's a Bloody Mary though. It's not quite close enough to mine for me to feel sure. Do I see yellow on yours?
  4. I see three colors there -- blue, aqua and white. The white looks short-changed. I have seen that happen before. Where there's clearly a space for a certain color but the actual color seems to have run out. Not often. So I'll say not common.
  5. With that tinted base, I don't know. At least a "cat eye" I think. (A "banana" is considered to be in the "cat eye" family.) My brain feels kinda full right now. I'm not sure if it would be called a banana or not. I'll wait to hear what others think.
  6. Gonna say yes. Is the base glass tinted or is that light golden color a reflection from the banana?
  7. Those were Peltier Bloodies. Here are Mibstified's Christensen Agate Bloodies. The Peltier Bloodies are much easier to procure, at least if you want individuals and not the box.
  8. My second Bloody Mary. (The one at this link might be my first Bloody Mary -- think I may have bought this one -- I should pull it out to see if it's a match. )
  9. I think that probably qualifies. A Bloody Mary has been said to be part of the Tracer family. A sloppy Red Tracer.
  10. Reading up again on Veiligglas, noticed this last post ... pretty marble in there ... did we see the whole bag?
  11. Much eye appeal, BJ. That1, that top middle one looks aquatic. A sea anemone ....
  12. Thanks, Chuck! And Dave and Sami, too, of course , but thanks to Chuck for the long list of names.
  13. Yup ..... You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your friends' Boogards.
  14. Now this one .... ???? .... Will Bogard turn out to be the company which made the sort of soft textured aventurine bananas? .... or will those stay in the Peltier box?
  15. Yikes! I already was shy of selling internationally. But yikes!
  16. Had occasion to pull this fun pair up today so I'll post 'em here -- it's a cork and a patch from the same old box -- one Marblealan was selling.
  17. Finally! I thought I'd never figure that one out. Thank you much. Your Bogard multicolors are waaaay prettier. But I'll always like this single-seamer.
  18. Orange and gray ... one which you posted in Caroline's thread reminded me of this .... Four skinny vanes.
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