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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    This Patch

    You sure have some oddballs.
  2. Steph

    Leaf Bug

    I think that's what they're called.
  3. Opal Lady or Kurly Blush? What do you think? http://marbleconnection.com/topic/13019-alleys-blue-skies-and-blush-lines/?p=111579
  4. Steph

    Great Lines!

    "It looks like we're getting closer to the heart of this criminal artichoke." Spoiler: Batman (Adam West) to Robin about the Joker's escapades
  5. Thank you. I hope it finds a good home.
  6. Thanks, Galen. Pretty sure that's the ad I was thinking of. Yes, it sounds like this early version at least would be moonie-like.
  7. Noooooo ... haven't been to a Halloween party in a long time. My husband might get dressed up ... he does that sometimes. He's the fun one. Not me.
  8. I have so much goofy stuff around the house which I need to get rid of so we can get the quantity down to manageable levels for the move. First installment of "What was I thinking?" Off to ebay it goes! ... when I can find boxes the right size. (There's also stuff I wouldn't want to try to package ... anyone need an old Ace Hard Rubber Comb display case? .... what WAS I thinking ....)
  9. Need to take another picture of this one. The cats were curious so I went with the first shot. Settings need to be tweaked and I need to steady the camera. Enjoy anyway. Master Marble Company at the 1933-34 World's Fair
  10. Transparent Swirl. Alley. Possibly one with a name like "something lady". Having a continuous ribbon would be typical of a swirl and wouldn't automatically make it a wire pull.
  11. Ohhhh what a crisp, beautiful Tiger Eye.
  12. Somewhere there is at least one ad which mentions fire opals .... and somehow I have failed to include that in my Akro timeline thread. If anyone can beat me to finding it, that would be cool. Not sure if it would settle anything but it would be a good start.
  13. Steph


    What will you be going as?
  14. Ah, I don't know about that marble. I figured it was a solid which got slipped in as a place saver for a missing marble.
  15. So it's more of a grown-up thing there? The kids don't go door to door for candy?
  16. Please tell us about Halloween in Amsterdam. Is there a particular Halloween color combination there?
  17. What a pretty combination of earthenware colors.
  18. Jan: Yellow Feb: Red Mar: Orange Apr: Pink May: Black Jun: Green Jul: Red/White/Blue Aug: Turquoise Sep: Purple Oh noze, we've already done Orange and Black ..... Dare we do them again for October? Here's a Tom Thornburgh jack o'lantern (from a marblebert auction).
  19. I definitely need one of those. My first username on this forum was modularforms. And that one looks like even cats could play with it without hurting anything.
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