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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Of course I know about 1" Alleys. But what other WV companies had swirls in the 3/4" range or larger ... and do you have any examples to share? This question inspired by John's marble in the ID forum.
  2. Steph

    A Swirl

    I have heard of Ravenswood having high contrast white, but I've just heard the words -- can't vouch for how much contrast is possible with marbles from my stash.
  3. Steph

    A Swirl

    It's gorgeous and I totally appreciate your dilemma.
  4. Really? Was he named Cliff Claven because of the word clishmaclaver? Or is that just a cool coincidence the Cliff Claven is a clishmaclaverer?
  5. So that would make an interesting thread ... what do the majority of 3/4" Cairos look like?
  6. A three-quarter inch Cairo .... hmmmm .... ? Yeah, according to American Machine-Made Marbles there could be such a thing .... but ?????? I'd LOVE it to be Cairo. My money would be on Jabo though. All 25 cents of it. (25 cents is my max bet.) I've love love LOVE for it to be Cairo. Please be Cairo.
  7. Interrrrestinger and interrrrestinger
  8. If you've ever thought of building a marble run, now would be a good time to talk about it with two experienced builders in the house. And even if not, give the guys a round of applause. We all need a good word.
  9. I think you're right about them being Jabo. They sure are nice ones though ... if they are all Jabo. With the mix in the ages which you showed in your other groupings, I don't want to jump to conclusions on all of them. I _think_ the top has the best chance of not being Jabo.
  10. The top two look modern. Vacors. From Mexico. The bottom left looks like a Vitro Tri-Lite, from the 1930's. I think Champion Agate on the bottom right. Not sure what to think about the bottom middle. You appear to have an interesting mix in your marbles.
  11. Hello. Welcome. What size are we looking at? Standard? 5/8-inch-ish? Top right looks like a brick, which is great. Could be MF Christensen. Could be Akro. Leaning MFC. Bottom right looks like an Alley. Bottom left _could_ be Alley, or could be something more modern. Not sure what to think about the other three. They look like ones which _could_ be modern, but looks like you have at least two nice old ones, so I don't want to jump to conclusions.
  12. Steph


    Been looking for this one.
  13. Check in on the marble run forum from time to time. Encourage our resident run makers! http://marbleconnection.com/forum/31-marble-runs-marble-games/
  14. New subject. Apple or cherry?
  15. hmmmmm .... for that you owe me banana bread .....
  16. My main email account wouldn't receive notifications. I never learned why. I switched to another email account and was able to get notifications.
  17. Interesting. And attractive. Does that brown light up?
  18. Can't tell by me. Looks pretty pelty. What else might it be? MK?
  19. clishmaclaver !!! Does it even matter what it means?
  20. If the marbles were sold separately with good photos, I think maybe they could net more than 10k$. I'm not sure though. I'm definitely not in that market. The 52k$ marble was a ploy for the seller to get attention for his ebay sales. It worked!
  21. "Fuzzy" is a good word to describe how the ones I think of as non-Pelt come across.
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