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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Some of these are likely vintage. Some might be Jabo (which would be modern).
  2. Most/many of these look modern. But there are Peltier Rainbos, Moss Agates, and WV Swirls in there also. These are mostly modern. Mostly Imperials. Many of these are Imperials. I might see a WV swirl though. Imperials have a structure which does often resemble some older marbles. They can look sort of like Master Sunbursts. Here's a thread with some modern marbles in it: New Marbles Which Sort Of Look Old
  3. For now I'll just pet the cats. We might be moving soon and I might have a dedicated marble area. Or a garage or basement which isn't full of junk. Then we'll see. Oh, the underwater video is lovely.
  4. I'm so glad both of you are here. Very much enjoying your creations.
  5. Since that's so different, I'm going to move it to the main forum for more eyes to see.
  6. Interesting. I was seeing it as eggyolk dribble in clear glass on my monitor. Glad I read your description. ... and looking forward to others' insight.
  7. So I guess there's not much to fear with having glass balls in that hot liquid? I'm paranoid. I might want to try stone agates or steelies instead.
  8. Neat. First I heard of it in modern times. Heard old references.
  9. I found myself asking both Hoody and Jelle the same thing, so I'll start a thread on it. Where do you guys set up your marble runs? I've seen some of the answer, but I'm really overwhelmed by this. Some are permanent and some are portable. Some are done at conventions and some are done at museums. And???? Basically, this is a new topic to me. Just how big are marble runs in your part of the world? By "big" I don't mean in size ... I mean more about interest and participation.
  10. I really should ask my question in the Marble Run forum, but I don't know how to turn it into a new topic. Actually, I will start a new topic in the Marble Run forum with one of my questions -- about where you guys set up.
  11. Ouch, I made a post and then I hit the wrong button and I lost this page. Basically I'm curious about the fischertechnik forum. I tried to explore it, but I'm overwhelmed. Is it mostly for marble building? I plugged "Kugelbahn" into the search engine and I saw many contributors. Where do you folks set up your marble runs?
  12. Mesmerizing is a good word. I'm liking these more and more. The overhead view of the giant slalom was very interesting. Where do you house these? Sorry if you said and I forgot.
  13. It was good to give us an overview of your marbles so we could get the big picture. Now that you know most are modern but some may be vintage, it would be best to start a new thread for each new type you'd like to have ID-ed. If you keep adding new pictures of different types to the same thread, things quickly get confusing. But for now I'm hoping that someone will come in and weigh in on this group:
  14. The red, green and yellow have the colors of Akro Lifesaver Corkscrews. Those would be good, so I am looking for some corkscrew structure -- or for some other person to come in and say, "yep, that's what those are." In the second picture from post #10, the red and green marble looks like it could be vintage. More views would be needed. The red and white swirl in the front looks vintage -- a West Virginal swirl. Abbreviated WV swirl. The red and yellow looks like a modern Chinese handmade from this one view. I'm guessing Vacor (modern and Mexican) on the top middle and top right marble. More views could possibly change minds.
  15. Coolness. Hopefully I can see it! Maybe we'll drive out of town, away from the lake.
  16. Not just any dark red stripe. I'm not sure I see any oxblood in that picture. But can I have more views of those green, red and yellow marble on the right side? They don't look like ox. But I'd like a closer look for another reason.
  17. I do not know what your egg-shaped item could be.
  18. Oxblood isn't just any red stripe. More brick red. There's some oxblood on some of these Imperials. Look the band at 7 o'clock on the 2nd marble from the left in the 2nd row down.
  19. Some of the turquoise Imperials could have oxblood. That _might_ make them worth pulling out and selling separately.
  20. I made some comments on the green marbles in the other thread. Most of the selection is modern. However, there are some vintage ones mixed in. It would be good if you could extract the vintage ones. Then fine to bunch the moderns up and sell them in bulk. Among the vintage ones, I'm not sure I see any Akro. I'm not sure I don't though. I do see some Vitro. And some Peltier. And I think some West Virginia swirls.
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