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Everything posted by Steph

  1. This one looks oxbloody but I really don't know what to make of it. I would want to call an oxblood swirl an Akro, but I'm really not sure. West Virginia swirl: I'd have this with the West Virginia swirls too, but I'd also describe it as a "transparent swirl".
  2. Posts #9 and 10 are a Peltier Rainbo. This particular Rainbo is also known as a Peltier Bloodie. In posts #11 and 12, the third marble from the left ... do you see the little bit of orange glow on the cloth in front of it? That is indicative of the base having "fire" inside. If you hold it up to a light, does the white turn orange? (Also, does it turn watery looking?) That one might be a Peltier Acme Realer. I would need to see the shape of the red before I could be sure, but that's what it looks like in this view. The rightmost marble in that set is what is called a "patch" in generic terms but I'm not sure who made this one. It might be Master. I'd put the first two marbles in with the West Virginia swirls.
  3. Thanks! Here's a link. http://morphyauctions.hibid.com/catalog/58081/may-30th-and-31st-2015-premier-toy-sale?pos=19552119&cat=0&sort=1&hide=0&qs=0&view=0&aView=0&q=1001&selCat=0#19552119
  4. My husband mentions the Cowsills sometimes. I never really registered them. But noticing the little girl in the thumbnail of one of the other videos got me to read up on them. And her specially. (If I'd known about her back then, I would have wanted to be her. ) 2005 was a hard year for her, and the whole Cowsill family.
  5. The wear doesn't look Jabo-y to me. Also, it seems a little busy for a 5/8" Jabo.
  6. I could make those suckers last at least a day!
  7. I think I really gotta build a data base of swirl colors. I should remember who worked with purple and green, shouldn't I.
  8. Not MFC. Navarre seems likely.
  9. Will someone go take a look at some of the blue-based marbles over here in the ID forum? http://marbleconnection.com/topic/20748-more-from-the-new-guy/ TIA
  10. Alright, that looks like six columns. Numbering from left to right, I think you have an Akro corkscrew at the bottom of the first, second and fifth columns. Looking at the fourth column, that looks like slag at the top, then the next one down is an Akro Onyx corkscrew, then a Peltier Rainbo, and then I'm not sure what the bottom marble is. On the far right column, the top marble might be an oxblood, the 2nd from the top is definitely an oxblood, and then I'm not sure about the other two. The second from the top is an Akro. I _think_ it could be called a Carnelian Oxblood but I'm not sure. In the fifth column, third marble down, I'd be curious to see more views of that. In the third column, I'd like to see more views of the top marble. Among the rest, you have mostly West Virginia swirls, with a couple of patches. Not high dollar marbles. I'd probalby try to sell them in groups and let the market set the price.
  11. From left to right my votes are: Top row: Akro corkscrew, Vitro Tri-Lite, unknown, Peltier NLR Spiderman Middle row: Maybe a Peltier NLR, Alley Agate, West Virginia swirl with oxblood, unknown (to me this last marble looks newer) Bottom row: Peltier Rainbo, I want to say Peltier Multicolor Rainbo (?), mystery, mystery
  12. The 2nd row from the top, the marble at the right end of the row. I think that's a slag. That could be worth separating out and selling with other slags. On the bottom row, the marble in the center, that looks like it could be a patch of some sort. I'll say West Virginia swirls for the rest of them. You might want to sell these in groups without worrying a lot about ID. You could put some keywords to help draw attention to your auctions. But it takes a lot of time to learn how to ID marbles, and then to learn how to grade them well.
  13. If the large marble at the top is vintage, it would be an Alley Agate. Alley Agate is one of the companies who made West Virginia swirls. There are also modern marbles which look like that, made by Jabo. The large marble on the right is a very nice Vitro Agate. On the bottom left is a West Virginia swirl with oxblood. That's desirable. Likely made by Alley Agate but I can't say for sure. The bottom middle marble is likely a Peltier Rainbo. To the right of the big red and blue one is a nice marble. I would like to see other views of that one. More views of the others could be good too. Some interesting marbles in the middle areas. As noted in two of the other threads, it would be helpful to put the marbles into a grid with clear rows.
  14. This lot is mostly West Virginia swirls. I think I might see a Peltier slag toward the bottom. (2nd marble from the bottom, sort of in the middle of the "row") The largest marble looks like it could have oxblood but I'm not sure about that because I don't remember marbles that large having oxblood.
  15. Still not in the grid I was hoping to see. Clear rows would help make identification easier. So we can say things like "2nd row, third from the left is such-and-so". I hope I don't sound like a hard-ass. It's just we need a neat way to be able to convey to you which marbles we're talking about.
  16. Steph

    New Guy

    I recommend a new photo. That would be helpful and more beneficial going forward. Circling gets complicated fast. Downloading, editing, uploading. That's why I was saying to put them in a grid, with rows and columns, so they'd be easier to point out. If you do put 'em in one or more grids and repost, start a new thread for each separate group. You don't have to start a new thread for any requested close-ups. But for completely separate groups start a new thread. Thanks! We do want to be helpful. Just want to make it easier for all involved.
  17. Thanks in advance! (I'm looking for a certain Jabo oxblood I tucked away somewhere and when I find it, I want to have as many Akro pix as possible to compare it to. )
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