Looking again. The second photo does have some interesting marbles in it. Might be called an Akro Carnelian Oxblood near the top. (Not sure of the name, but it has a white base and orange and brick red striping.
Some of the blue base with yellow striping marbles might deserve close-ups.
On the right side of the 2nd photo is a larger than average Vitro which I find interesting.
The large blue and red marble on the left of the 2nd photo is an Alley Agate. Would be extra value because of the size.
I think maybe possibly I see a "brick" in the third photo but not sure about that.
So, back to first thought, it's a nice vintage group.
If you post more pics, the recommended number per photo is around four. However, with so many to go through, you might be able to speed things up a little with grids of, say, five marbles by five marbles. That way people can more easily point out what is of interest to them. E.g., "First row, 4th marble." Like that.
Whether you go with four or 25 per group, post a separate thread for each group. That helps minimize confusion.