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Everything posted by Steph

  1. So, I'm trying to eat something substantial for the first time in days and I choose to make a hamburger. As I wash up after making the patty, the bandaid on my hand is loosened, and I figure after you handle raw meat that's probably a good time to change your bandaid anyway .... So I rip it the rest of the way off. And lose a chunk of live skin from my palm. *happy happy joy joy*
  2. Someone pick that trophy and gumball machine up for me. Okay?
  3. *whimper* Yeah ... that's me. Mmmmm, Nyquil. All day long!
  4. Four ribbons? Yeah, not seeing horseshoe.
  5. It would be nice to see cutlines. But Vitro sounds good. I probably wouldn't say horseshoe. Maybe someone else would. I'd push for a little more U-shape. But ?
  6. I don't see cat's eye. Don't know what a blizzard is. Could be an older transparent swirl. Could be a newer Vacor. Not sure at all.
  7. Not seeing enough of the structure. If it's a snake, then that means it's an Akro and there will be one ribbon. It will start on one end and then curve around in a corkscrew pattern until it hits the other end. Sometimes flash can help isolate the structure of transparent marbles. Also, sometimes photographing the marble while underwater can.
  8. Yes! Gotta be more factories like this around the world. Gotta! Tinka, tinka, tinka .... saying it three times so maybe I will remember it. Space reserved for little notes: Started in 1953. Victor Hugo Chiarlo 15 machines along the way San Jorge
  9. Steph

    Caged Cat?

    Yes. Blue base is special.
  10. Steph

    New? Old?

    At least one ribbon on either side? Thinking vintage. Peltier Rainbo.
  11. Steph


    Yes! Peltier Rainbos.
  12. Peltier Rainbo I think. Are there any white ribbons on it? If it has both white and orange ribbons that would make it a Peltier Sunset.
  13. Hey! I love it! I borrowed a copy and was sad to give it back. I was delighted to have a chance to get my own.
  14. I think this one is a Peltier Rainbo.
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