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Everything posted by Steph

  1. 0 degrees. We finally got our snow a couple of weeks ago. Winter can go away now.
  2. The heart Bob posted last year. Happy Valentines Day.
  3. Red marbles gives a pretty google. Happy Valentines Day.
  4. That's a nice V. I'll still guess Akro.
  5. I had a feeling you would get some bananas soon! Any yellow ones?
  6. Steph


    I asked George about this again recently .... still not sure. We've seen moss agates in those cello packets, right?
  7. Steph


    Oh gee, I was looking all through my photobucket for the pic in the OP and then I found it right here at home in the gallery. Was planning to add them to the Pelt Mostly Pix thread but now I'm not so sure that's what they are. Mike? That's what they are, right? I have them in my Peltier gallery album. Had to have been there for a reason. Going with for now.
  8. Steph


    From Boys' Life
  9. Steph


    1933 was a big year for marbles ... World's Fair of course. But for now ... while I keep searching for a particular pelty photo for another thread ....
  10. Steph


    Get your regular pure opalinies here
  11. The Gropper No. 5 box with Rainbos instead of slags (and different colors from Dan's slag box) (n2life71)
  12. Steph


    I'm searching for a particular pic of a particular ad ... meanwhile I'm stumbling over other neat stuff.
  13. Steph

    Id Help

    (This one, I presume. ) http://marbleconnection.com/topic/20390-id-help/
  14. Oh, that's nice! And have a lovely day.
  15. Steph

    Id Help

    Not this time! Keep hunting!
  16. Steph

    Id Help

    Even though individual shots are best for getting ID's, maybe you could do some group shots to give an overview to see if there are any which might be worth singling out.
  17. Steph

    Id Help

    Looks like a Vitro. Possibly a Conqueror, though not classic pattern. The cracks are a significant condition issue. When the condition is so bad, you probably would be best served to grit your teeth and throw it away. At least on a common marble like a Conqueror.
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