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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Yes, what a wonderful one to have.
  2. I see what you're saying. I wondered about that too. That's still my best guess. Maybe some runs did have it. Michelangelo runs were different from year to year. Maybe Hurricane runs were also? Well, I really don't know. So I won't keep trying to convince you!
  3. You could upload them into a gallery album. Or if they're less than 450 kb apiece, upload them as attachments. If they're close to 450 without going over, you might need to make a separate post for each attachment. Or you could email them to one of us and we could do the work of hosting and posting.
  4. Nice! Lovely to see detailed pic of a Japanese box.
  5. Thanks! The middle pair might be Hurricanes.
  6. Nice board. Looks like the Victories had some victories!
  7. I like the football, and you like the football. And one of those is all that matters!
  8. A few of the others do look like they might have originated from here in the US.
  9. Hi Eggie! That black and white one is fantastic!
  10. A few people have said they can't post links or images. I tried to replicate the problem but things are working okay on my end. If you are having trouble and could tell which browser you're using and tell a little about what glitch you're observing that might help us help tech support see what they need to do. Thanks.
  11. It would be really difficult to be in the marble community for as many years as mon and not know what a Vitro Conqueror was. Maybe he was teasing, maybe he was serious. I still think yours is a Conqueror. Be confident in what you know. Don't worry about Mon.
  12. Stacy, I posted all the pix, but you're pointing out a difference I noticed. I just didn't know the terminology. I'm also curious about the size of the marbles in the box. .... and I still kinda sorta remember seeing covered marbles in one or more other settings. Tablecloth weights come to mind as a possibility. ... or some kind of weight .... was it drapes?
  13. Me too! The white vitros with colored edges make me think of lilies.
  14. That's readable. I can't remember if I had saved William's version. He recently lost the pix at his site.
  15. I found these while browsing old pix, but I don't think this is a match.
  16. This is about 3/4". Not mine. Someone posted a question about it on Facebook. I feel like I should remember more things it could be.
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