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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Pink champagne glass is a winner.
  2. Took me a bit to get past the image of the flame during this heatwave. After that I was on the edge of my seat. What does the final product look like? Ah, I think I've found it! http://glasswizzards.yuku.com/topic/3419/Rembrandt
  3. I wondered how smooth the colors were on the surface. Then I remembered I have guinea fragments even though I don't have a guinea. The color is very smooth and very thin on the surface (interesting). But one of my fragments is about a third of a marble. It has a core of color in the middle, plus all the color around the outside. Seems that should tell me something. But if it's talking I'm not hearing very well.
  4. What do you think about the dark mark on this one? http://cgi.ebay.com/160619645670
  5. Does anyone have any good close-ups of guineas to illustrate the discussion of how they might have been made? Thanks.
  6. Those are sharp! (Thank you for sharing.)
  7. I don't remember the all-red style name still being used in the 1980's. That is, I don't remember seeing it on a bag. I have no idea at all though what names the company used for the marbles in their internal documents. Thanks for the compliment, Edna. There are at least three people who post here occasionally who have a better grasp on Gladding-Vitro and Paris Mfg era packaging than I do. Sometimes I think wistfully about how much more I could piece together with a few hours in some folks' bag and box collections. *drool*
  8. Bet it's something in hand. Looks quite yummy in pix. I bet the rainbow is even better in person. No idea when it was made. I've worked hard on learning Vitro ages and ones like this keep showing that there are pockets of mystery in my timeline!
  9. On Mike's? I would have guessed real stone on his. Mighta said "limestone" but I'm not that confident at minerals. Maybe just whatever chips were knocked off of whatever other stones Germans worked with. .... would have been my guess.
  10. Nifty set of orbs, Roger. Plateful of candy. Awesome find.
  11. If we're lucky we might get some of that info organized here. But the site which is dedicated to Jabo is Jabo Land. http://anythinggoes43567.yuku.com/ They have a lot of named examples listed there. Maybe more questions might bring more named examples.
  12. What is the question? How the orange color is achieved?
  13. Happy Birthday Lou! Thanks for everything. Have a wonderful day. Hope you have a powerful AC.
  14. Edna, I've done that before on other boards.
  15. Steph


    Fisher / Vitro patents Ornamental assembly and method of manufacturing the same Patent number: 2094529 Filing date: Sep 20, 1935 Issue date: Sep 28, 1937 Henry A. Fisher
  16. Didja see this one before? http://cgi.ebay.com/220556648567
  17. Check the 7/11/36 entry here: http://old.cinema.ucla.edu/Prelude/1936.html Not sure how hard it would be to get the footage. Not sure how long it lasts. But it exists! ( :
  18. I'm kinda hoping Bob will! He's been a pretty active participant lately. Good chance he'll see this. ... said with respect and great interest.
  19. Thank you for the .pdf, Sam. No excuse for me taking so long to work on fixing the version in my post. I just sorta ran out of steam. Congrats on getting your website up and running.
  20. What made the chalkie look on the last one? on the last marble ... not on the man .... (is that you Mike sans beard?)
  21. Found the Big Time Marbles auction pix I had saved. This box didn't have the original marbles in it. Looks like the difference between the # 115-20 and the # 115-15 might just have been which side they put the marbles in and which side held the bag. (maybe?) Here are all the pix I saved in case you like to see edges. (click to enlarge) . . . . . . . .
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