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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Wow, that's really different looking. I'm going to bump this over to the main forum for more eyes to look at.
  2. Something looks a little odd to me. I think it's the ends of the ribbons. I usually expect to see clearer and straighter seams. But I'm not an Akro expert. Things might seem better with a middle ground pic. One halfway between those two in the lighting department. (However, it was excellent of you to try to get a little different lighting in case that helped someone.) Anyway, I'm mostly just bumping this so you don't feel ignored. ( :
  3. Bump in case anyone in the know happened to miss it the first time around.
  4. Hmmm. I think those would be in the "Blended" category, not Peacocks.
  5. The Alphabet Contest auctions are up and running. Get 'em while they're hot. Ending Sunday night. Even if the bidding gets out of range it's kinda neat to watch the ticker in the closing minutes. Please don't bid on ******** -- that's the one I'm hoping to win. (uh, belay that, pretend I didn't say anything) Marble Alley auctions
  6. Wow! (that's all I have to add at this time. )
  7. What does a Peacock look like? Is this one? (Phyllis' pic from here)
  8. Hope all your fireworks are pretty ones.
  9. Thanks Bob. Had no particular thoughts, That1. I guess some places sort of looked burnt to me. But I don't usually look that closely at handmades so it was probably normal glass variations but I was only noticing them for the first time.
  10. "Antique 2" German Glass Lobed Panelled Onionskin Marble" http://cgi.ebay.com/320718347938 Any thoughts on this one?
  11. Check it out. http://www.greyhoundmarbles.com/
  12. I saw 'em in the gallery. Lotsa eyes staring back at us. ( : I like that group shot with the assortment of colors too. The blue ones have a certain appeal.
  13. The Dulite line lasted to 1956? http://books.google.com/books?id=0R4EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA63
  14. I usually double check my links. Guess I didn't that time.
  15. Someone asked me about this link, http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110707465247 Big 'ol marble. What do you think about it?
  16. I'd say yes on oxblood (though unintentional imo), but would suspect no on Christensen. Some of these from a Mega assortment Albert posted look sort of oxbloody: (click to enlarge)
  17. In case you'd like to participate here are some links. The voting ends Monday. The gallery: http://www.pbase.com/glass_addiction/galleries Voting instructions: http://glasswizzards.yuku.com/topic/3525
  18. For your marble bibliographies, you might want to take note of this one. Debra Stanley-Lapic has an article in The Historical Review of Berks County, Summer 2011, pp. 122-128. If you don't have the August 1991 issue of Sports Illustrated, you might want that one too. I just learned her engagement was written about there! Pretty wild, huh? Here's a bit from the beginning of the article. Not sure how much to print here considering copyrights versus fair use and all, so I'm going with this teaser. ( :
  19. Interesting description. May we see the bottom? My vote would be Vacor on the marble.
  20. Clearies can have seams. Ann pointed out one way to detect them: I thought she made an interesting observation. If the clearie has long pelt-like cut lines it would make it seem less likely to be a modern Chinese marble, for example.
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