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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph


    Jill Marie, does the mib in post #14 glow under blacklight?
  2. Steph


    Aren't Whities opaque? There's a mib which some call a "Transparent Whitie" with a single color band around the middle which has been found with Tiger Eyes in some of those giveaway premium bags, if I recall correctly. But the ones normally called Whities are opaque ... (right?)
  3. Such a wonderfully vibrant marble - seems especially appropriate. Gorgeous.
  4. Steph


    I'll guess not Vitro on the 4th one. Might be an older foreign marble. No whities. You're right. One color all the way around for whities.
  5. Woohoo!! Yea! Was it a good game?! As opposed to you know which one ....
  6. Steph


    What emoticon did you try to add??!! Never heard of that problem before. ??? You have the emoticon panel but clicking on them doesn't insert the image?
  7. Wow. 8 at once. That's awesome. Sorry, I don't know about how sparkle affects the value either. Just had to say .....
  8. hi there p.s., that's a pretty cool tail in your avatar
  9. I'm having connection problems today.
  10. You'd probably have fun converting kids' drawings like the Juedemanns did: http://glasskitchen.com/kids/kidsmibs.htm
  11. Check out the Uhuru series in the 2010 gallery (and the Bauta marbles, Cultivation, etc). dayang. (Genius!) http://www.glasskitchen.com/port/
  12. Jabos have been around a long time . . . Original Jabo: http://www.luchtoorlog.be/me110dj_f1.htm Replica Jabo: http://falkeeins.blogspot.com/2010/12/eastern-front-jabo-bf-109-emil-of.html
  13. I contacted the seller to see if Pavcraz was involved anywhere in the transaction and he says no. The seller said it came in a large marble lot bought from a family selling off their elderly aunt's stuff. Said it came with Vitros inside. If the seller is who he says he is then I don't have any reason to doubt his tale. He lives in Maine, the state where Pavcraz lives, but his name actually came up in the past as someone who might help hold the line against Pavcraz. "If the seller is who he says he is" sounds really bad to say, doesn't it. I just don't take anything for granted when it comes to Pavcraz!
  14. Wasn't sure if the dimensions matched a film can, but yeah, that's pretty much my impression. The label looks scissor cut and and I don't see how the can would have rusted around the edge of the label while leaving the label looking so fresh. Plus I never heard of such a thing from Rosenthal. I have read of a possible Rosenthal package type which I still haven't seen pix of, but it wasn't a 4" can.
  15. Whaddaya think? Not mine. Just asking. 3 3/4" wide by 3/4" high. (click to enlarge)
  16. The last one is a Peltier Rainbo. Some might call it a 7-up. You have a couple of bumblebees. (the yellow and black ones). those are popular, from Marble King. Also those are a good example of the "patch and ribbon" pattern.
  17. He is a member of this board. ETA: The date he estimates for naming them matches the date a prominent Vitro collector told me he first remembers hearing the name.
  18. Man, they did good when they hit on those bright colors. (the black ain't too shabby either)
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