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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I kinda remember a Big Time Marbles box being posted here. I think someone might have been asking if it was a fake. Heck, it might have been me asking! But so far I've come up empty on my searches for it. Not sure which keywords to use.
  2. Nifty. Again, looks like maybe more than 4 in one of the single rows. (Am I seeing that right?) Oh hey, I see cartoon box lids too. Kewl. First time I've seen those in a flyer.
  3. Even in 2008, there was some crossover. It was the stumble which taught this to me. Some Madyias and Jokers got knocked together and I couldn't pull them back apart. And some Joker II's and something else got mixed together and I realized that there were too many similarities for me to be sure I divided them back up right. Was it Madyia III? (is there such a thing as Madyia III?) Anyway, I thought the Joker II's were unique but then when they jumped the wall into that other set I got a surprise. I can't specifically remember which ones I got confused over because I kinda gave up and quit worrying and so it's fuzzy now. All I know for sure is that back then, when I was paying more attention to them, I found I couldn't tell some apart that I thought I should have known. And so I put the box away and tried not to worry about it. But I've brought the 2008 box back out of storage now. So maybe I'll take another whack at it.
  4. My 2008 box got jumbled. I stumbled while I was walking from one room to another and the marbles jumped their borders. I never managed to get it straightened out. Maybe with enough threads like this I could come close.
  5. p.s., I just noticed some discrepancies between the pictures and the descriptions within the ads. I'm going to attribute that partly to ad writer carelessness and partly to Akro possibly changing up the contents of the tins.
  6. That one was from a little later than this next one. This one is from 1930. Different selection of marbles in the litho boxes, but same count described.
  7. p.s. here ya go: edit: Darn! the count in the description doesn't match the count in the accompanying pictures!
  8. What Hansel said. This thread is what I was going to check next after looking at George's poster: http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=10676
  9. George Sourlis has a poster showing Akro packaging from 1911 to 1930. You can order that from him. At first glance, photos I'm seeing show six columns of 5 plus one column of 4 in the #150 package. And in the #200 package, twice as many marbles: six rows of 5 plus one row of 4 on either side of the bag.
  10. Well, I posted it specially for the peacock question. And since Edna brought up Robins, it made me wonder about one of your other MK's. But focusing on the peacock question now ... So everyone, is the marble in Post #9 a peacock? Colors seem right and the coverage looks kinda close to one in Edna's box.
  11. I'd contact the VFW. Don't know if they have any intact films but it wouldn't hurt to ask. They made one or more marble films to show at their meetings. I remember reading about it once. I think I might have seen references to two separate films.
  12. The tournament which is now held at Wildwood, NJ started out in Atlantic City, NJ in 1923. It has been held every year since then except for 1944 and 1945. It moved from Atlantic City to Ocean City, NY in 1929. Then Wildwood in 1937. Then inland to Cleveland, OH for 1943 and 1946. Back to Wildwood in 1947. Then Asbury Park, NJ in 1949. Then Wildwood from 1960 to the present except for 1976, when it was in Jackson, NJ. If my information is correct.
  13. I've sent out an SOS to Debra but looking around the web it sounds like they're the same event. That's an interesting way to put it. Guess there could be a lot of reasons for a change. Company went out of business, or they felt like a new style, or they changed the tournament name formally, or ....? But it would definitely be cool to see a chronological progression of medals and see that story ....
  14. Wow, that's really different looking. I'm going to bump this over to the main forum for more eyes to look at.
  15. Something looks a little odd to me. I think it's the ends of the ribbons. I usually expect to see clearer and straighter seams. But I'm not an Akro expert. Things might seem better with a middle ground pic. One halfway between those two in the lighting department. (However, it was excellent of you to try to get a little different lighting in case that helped someone.) Anyway, I'm mostly just bumping this so you don't feel ignored. ( :
  16. Bump in case anyone in the know happened to miss it the first time around.
  17. Hmmm. I think those would be in the "Blended" category, not Peacocks.
  18. The Alphabet Contest auctions are up and running. Get 'em while they're hot. Ending Sunday night. Even if the bidding gets out of range it's kinda neat to watch the ticker in the closing minutes. Please don't bid on ******** -- that's the one I'm hoping to win. (uh, belay that, pretend I didn't say anything) Marble Alley auctions
  19. Wow! (that's all I have to add at this time. )
  20. What does a Peacock look like? Is this one? (Phyllis' pic from here)
  21. Hope all your fireworks are pretty ones.
  22. Thanks Bob. Had no particular thoughts, That1. I guess some places sort of looked burnt to me. But I don't usually look that closely at handmades so it was probably normal glass variations but I was only noticing them for the first time.
  23. "Antique 2" German Glass Lobed Panelled Onionskin Marble" http://cgi.ebay.com/320718347938 Any thoughts on this one?
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