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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Those patches, Jane, that's what I'm confusing with maybe-dug Akros ... and Marble King on the little brownish one? and maybe wales on the blue and white ... maybe not ... but I wouldn't have been sure ... I'm a little glad that one bag had a hole in it ... even though I'm sure you'd druther it hadn't. :-) You just don't see that kind of MG close-up, not next to its original packaging. :-) I see what you mean by the potato chippy look in the bananas. That I can recognize as master-y, from when the LOM-ers showed me a parade of tiger eyes ... a really long parade ... coz I couldn't figure out what was meant when people talked about a single ribbon of colors inside. Until I finally saw the pringles chip in one! lol
  2. Steph

    Vaseline Glass?

    Just for fun I tried to find a picture of some old yellow vaseline. I couldn't. (probably a good thing ) But I did see examples of early jars. One of the earliest said Chesebrough Vaseline from back when it was "patent medicine". Some later but still vintage jars said "White Petroleum Jelly". (So do my vintage non-Vaseline-brand jars.) I guess I "should" have realized before that they didn't use the word "white" simply to add to the number of words on the label. lol. But I never did get that and still wouldn't have if Jane hadn't explained about the formula change. Learn something new ....
  3. Steph


    Yea, and I got the pic to work in the master thread too. Triumphing over the mosheen!
  4. Steph


    Sue, I'm posting a link to the same auction, just to see if I can get it to work. That'll make me feel better after my image fouling up over in the Master thread. Petura Jellyfish Did it work?
  5. Al, I've also noticed that attachments don't always stay in the order I've uploaded them. There is an easy way to make them show up basically where you want them though. If you go to Manage Current Attachments you get a dropdown menu and can choose pretty much exactly where they show up. Sometimes you might try to get them all to show up in a single line and they might stubbornly split off into two lines, but you can still put them in order and place them between explanatory lines of text and good stuff like that.
  6. Steph

    Vaseline Glass?

    Thanks Alan! (and Sue )
  7. Steph

    Vaseline Glass?

    Awesome cullet and great pix, Alan! That sure is fantastic glow even without the blacklight. Just amazing. Are you saying you consider lemonade glass to be vaseline glass but limeade glass not? Is the limeade cullet "uranium glass"? Or simply "flourescent" and don't worry about any other name. (Felicia, you at least have a Limeade, which is special all by itself. Now I'm not sure if it would be considered "vaseline glass". I'm waiting to hear what Alan says about that.)
  8. I can't see Jane's pictures. Am I the only one? Is my Vista computer being overprotective again?
  9. Steph

    Vaseline Glass?

    Thanks for clearing that up for me Jane and Alan. :-) (Felicia, different kinds of glass can glow, but it sounds to me like yours is probably vaseline glass. The base is what glowed, right? Sounds like you might have a limeade. Do the colors look like these?)
  10. Steph

    Vaseline Glass?

    Oh brother, this really is a silly question. I'd take it back if I could. But I can't. So I'll try to find it out for myself, like I should have done in the first place. By the way, the Vaseline Glass Collectors, Inc. website has a nice short history of vaseline glass production, and a link to a vaseline glass bibliography. I still don't know why it's called that, but I'll figure it out. P.s., it also has a link to a UV Blacklight Fun Page which has pretty pictures of vaseline glass, with permission to use the pix for "non-commercial use and reference".
  11. Steph

    Vaseline Glass?

    I have another puzzler. I should probably ask it at Marble Mental so Ron Shaw would have a whack at it. But I've already started typing now so .... Why is vaseline glass called vaseline glass? I have two vintage petroleum jelly jars but they don't fluoresce. If I actually had Vaseline brand jars, would they? Hey wait, I haven't checked to see if Vaseline glows! Well ... my generic brand mentholated petroleum jelly only has a blue-ish glow, so that doesn't explain the name ...
  12. I'd like that. Is that a way to tell Master bananas apart from Peltier bananas? Growl at John for being better on his first shots than I ever hope to get. You made those creatures look as if they might crawl off the page.
  13. I meant "share pictures of", of course.
  14. Check out the side of this box, where it says "Assorted Master Meteor Marbles". (ebay photos, of course, an auction which has run more than once since its reserve price wasn't met) The word "Meteor" is raised about the level of the rest. Would you say that means the "Assorted Master ______ Marbles" portion was a more permanent part of the press and the style name was interchangeable? And then the word "Clearies" is stencilled on top. The stencilling seems to me as if it would have been done in a completely different time. To me it seems that the stencils would have been made specially, and they would have been made by someone who had given up on having pretty preprinted boxes for each style of mib, and was moving toward a more flexible, as-needed system of labelling. (And being practical, they were using their old preprinted boxes wherever needed, rather than throwing them away.) Does anyone agree with that theory? (And does anyone have any dates on that box style?) Is this sort of question neat or dumb? I honestly don't know what anyone else will think about it ... but obviously I think it's sorta neat.
  15. Maybe I should call this thread "Master Glass vs. anything else". My mindset right now is something along the lines of if it looks vintage and I can't place it, maybe it's an Akro. possibly dug. That's why I was inclined to see Akro for the vintage marbles in Jane's shooter sorting thread. Since Master Glass patches don't get the same airtime as their older MM relatives, I think that's making me more likely to confuse them with Akros and not see their relation to the older MM's. Hearing about the differences is one thing. Having visuals would help a lot. Does anyone have any Master Glass examples they'd be willing/able to share?
  16. Sounds like you have some of one of the more rare varieties of cross-throughs. One color crossing through, but that color not being white. So, that is a good thing. As to the ) mark? That is probably what I'd call a "crimp" or a "shear mark". It simply happens sometimes on the ends of marbles. It's not a good thing or a bad thing. imho. And having the same or similar crimp marks wouldn't mean much either ... except if I had 5 uncommon marbles like that which I acquired at the same time, with the same colors and the same markings, I'd feel pretty safe saying they were "same run" marbles. (Made on the same machine on the same day.) And that is sort of special. So I'd keep them together with a note about them being "same run", for the future reference of whatever archaelogist eventually excavates my marbles on some far off date. ;-)
  17. Six vane, Japanese Cat's Eyes, definitely not bottle green base. These I like! . . (1, 2) In case you opened this thread hoping to see some of the famous Wales brushed patches, here's a link to some already on the board, Id Please...
  18. So the hole at the bottom of the spinner cup was really small? Apparently I'm still not correctly picturing how it was used. That's okay though. I'm really slow with these things. I'm ONLY asking now in order to confirm the sizes involved. I have to psych myself up before I really try to get the picture of how a machine works! LOL
  19. Standard disclaimer: Not complete, suggestions are welcome. Jabo-Vitro Agate, Inc. (1987-present) See also Original Packaging Also check out Jabo Land: http://anythinggoes43567.yuku.com/ Tour Report: LET'S ALL GO TO JABO !!!, Factory Tour Various examples and discussions: Old Jabo's Peltier Or Wv Swirl? (info about Jabo sizes in post #6) Jabo's Last Run!!!, TERRIBLE News!!! The Beauty Of Jabos Very Colorful ! How Could You Not Like These! Marblemail Attention Citizens Of Planet Earth, Killer Jabo Hurtling Through Cyber Space !!!! Pretty Jabos New Fall 2006 Jabo One Inch Marbles N E W Jabo's Nov. 2006! Give Me An R And A ... (The original pix are gone, but there's some interesting discussion.) O6 Jabo 1 Inch Whats Not To Like ....... MM: jabo 06 fall classics MM: Rare Jabos (Jabo "Extraordinaires") The New *popular American Marbles* Book Is Out, I recieved my copy today (Some Jabo history) Bocci (many exotic examples, and a neat display of differences between same run marbles) Vintage Marble Pics (Jabo discussion starting in post #4) Jabo Camo (2006 examples in post #2 and post #3) Is It What He Claims?? MM: Jabo Cullet? Shooters: Did Jabo Inherit The Parrot Machines? Identification Help Different patterns which show up in Jabos: 9's corks "buttcracks" etc. Jabo Names: Quick Question To The Experts., a "Factory Mint" component to my burgeoning collection. (Tie Dyes in Post #5) Attention Citizens Of Planet Earth, Killer Jabo Hurtling Through Cyber Space !!!! (pix gone, but has some Planet Earth history) Jabos I'm Guessing (Jabo Rebel? Why Rebel with those colors?) Volcano Etc. Jabo Land has an ever-growing list of examples: The first (unofficial) jabos w/ names (on-line) reference guide (Not quite complete but very nice) Post Classics: Jabo Joker Marble Pics TO BE CONTINUED! Collectors Sets: Snoopy Collector Set (and yes there are other sets!) Beer Can Jabos: Metallic Marbles? Beer Can Jabos (2007 Budweisers) Aventurine: Very intentional in marbles made in 2008, but it has also been seen in Classics 2 Sisters And A Cousin (or Half Sister) Jabo Jokers (the marbles here are pre-Joker, from 2003) Fluorescence: Jabo Or Someone Else?? Logo Marbles: Printed Marbles Special Sets: Radioactive Jabo (Fluorescent run of Ten Commandments sets.)
  20. Marble King, Inc. (1949-present) See also Original Packaging Ephemera and extras: Marble King truck Various examples and discussions: Let's See One Of Your Favorite Marble King! Bunch O M.k. Go Away And Dont Come Back !!!!!!!! (Paden City digging) Id Help Please, Double ingot? (fluorescent bases) I Wanna See Your Rainbows, Any size any maker Marble King Patches Bag O' Commons (look like all-reds) Named examples: Is This A Bumble Bee (Bumble bees and Supermen) Mk (Ruby bee) Marble King Experts! Are These Golden Boy's Question About Marble King Blueboys? "golden" Dragonfly? (Blueboy) What Is A Mk Black Widow (Note: Black widows have 2 red patches) Black Widow.. (Wasps, and in post #12 a black widow) Betja Haint Seen One Of These... (Hermaphrodite) Jon! Your Avatar!? Purpul N Green! (Green Hornet) Today At The Digs (Green Hornet) Mk Grasshopper? Marble King Grasshopper Mk Hercules (also Green Hornets in posts #4 and #5) Weak Hercules? Neat Marble! Not Sure What It Is??????? (Irish) Name Game (Spideman, Green Hornet, Kato, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Dragonfly, Watermelon, Hercules) What other names are there? Peacock Burnt Irish? Gray bee Snow What colors of "black" do bumblebees come in? Mk? Or Maybe, Just Maybe A...... ("Copperhead variant"?) Hybrids and blends: Mk Hybrids More Mk Hybrids Going To Sistersville Transparent Base Patch and Ribbons: Marble King Experts! Are These Golden Boy's "golden" Dragonfly? The title of the thread referred to in the preceding: Marble King rarity Clear based rainbow, experimental rainbows? The thread is gone but I have some of the text saved so I might repost some of it later. Translucent Examples: Strange Marble King Berry Pinks: If You Never Been To A Marble Show, Here,s Why You Should (1st photo) Bunch O M.k. Marble King Berry Pinks Lobster Tail? Cat's Eyes, including St. Mary's: Japanese Cat's Eye?, USA cat's eye? St Mary's Cat's Eyes Black Cats, St. Mary's, And Other Cool Ones I Like MM: Question on Colors of St Marys Catseyes Peewees: Tiny Mk Marbles Modern examples: Mk? New-ish? (lavender base) Genuine 'estate' Marbles! Marble King Patches Oxblood: Mk Internal Combustion Cullet and other examples found at the digs: (there are likely other dug marbles in the examples above) Test Pic Marble King Picture Gallery: Let's See One Of Your Favorite Marble King! Bunch O M.k. Space Of Stuff - Want Some Dig Site Marble Kings? Mostly Pix - Marble King
  21. Dave, that sure will be interesting. It's sort of final-sounding too. Dani, which one is the unused plunger? And what's the size on these pieces? How did Brian's cup get/stay so clean? Did the hot glass slip right over the graphite without sticking? (Was that the point of using graphite?) I started wondering about the size yesterday. These other questions just spilled out today when I saw your pieces. lol Yesterday I was wondering how big of a hole that would be at the bottom of Brian's spinner. The width of a marble? If so did they use different spinner cups to make different sizes? Or was marble size determined elsewhere in the process?
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