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Everything posted by Steph

  1. um ... just in case you didn't guess/know ... canicas is Spanish for marbles.
  2. Links to marble categories on non-U.S. eBay sites: tba
  3. What are some keywords which might be used to google for marbles from out of the U.S.? I have next to no idea what words to use. What I'm including so far are words which have given me some results, but I haven't found any motherlodes of marbles using these searches, so I am sure there are superior terms. Any help would be appreciated. Dutch Knikker Knikkers with glas or glazen for extra keywords French Billes German Murmeln Glaskugeln Spanish Canicas Thinkin' there may be a lot of keywords here: Murmel und Murmeln. Einfarbig oder bunt, groß und klein. Das wohl älteste Spiel der Welt - nicht nur für Kinder! Murmel, Schusser, Bucker, Klicker, Knicker, Marbel, Marmel usw. Viele Namen für eine meist runde Kugel. Schillernd, bunt, verzaubernd. Nicht nur für Kinder. Auch für Erwachsene immer noch ein Kinderspiel. Und natürlich auch ein Glasobjekt zum Ansehen und zum Dekorieren. Murmeln und Kugeln aus Glas. Mit Murmeln lässt es sich nicht nur trefflich spielen, sondern auch wundervoll dekorieren. Dekorationen im Wohnbereich oder bei Präsentationen wirken stärker, wenn Glas (Glasnuggets, Glasherzen, Glassterne, Glasbonbons und Murmeln) eingesetzt wird. Die runde Form der Murmel ist wohl das Geheimnis andauernder Beliebtheit. Glas hat was! Lassen Sie sich entführen in die Welt der bunten Murmeln und Glaskugeln. Murmeln aus Glas, das war und ist immer noch etwas ganz Besonderes. (source) Altavista translation: Marble and marbles. A-colored or multicolored, largely and small. The probably oldest play of the world - not only for children! Marble, Schusser, Bucker, Klicker, Knicker, Marbel, Marmel etc. many names for a usually round ball. Schillernd, multicolored, bewitching. Not only for children. Also for adults still a children's game. And naturally also a glass object to the reputation and to decorating. Marbles and balls from glass. With marbles it can be played not only to splendid, but also decorated wonderfully. Decorations within the apartment range or with presentations work more strongly, if glass (Glasnuggets, glass heart, glass stars, glass drop and marbles) is used. The round form of the marble is probably the secret of continuous popularity. Glass has which! Let kidnap itself into the world of the multicolored marbles and glass balls. Marbles from glass, that was and is still somewhat completely special.
  4. what an imagination! set of imaginations? The combined dream of three people? Yeah, that's trippy. (and outrageously awesome)
  5. I was looking for information about Canicas tequila when I ran across a mention of a film which appears to be about a marble champion. I would still like to know if those are actually marbles in the bottom of the Canicas bottle, but I thought the movie looked interesting too. A couple of reviews: Sources: movie photo album Amazon.com But ARE those marbles down there at the bottom of the bottle?
  6. Good article. That sets me straight on the date of the Ninja Turtle too. :-)
  7. You are welcome! (And thanks for pointing me toward the examples ... they were great ones for making the point!)
  8. Below is a comparison of two Marble King marbles. One is a vintage Watermelon which Bob Block recently sold at auction, perhaps made in the 1950's or 1960's. It would have been sold as a Rainbow, and is what is called a Patch & Ribbon style. The second is a modern version of the Rainbow, I think from the 1990's or later. Note: Some people call the modern marbles with this particular color combination Ninja Turtles. Some say they "have Watermelon colors". Some people outright call them Watermelons, which I believe to be a mistake. Note #2: This is a simple enough subject, so I hope I have it right. If I don't, please let me know so that I don't perpetuate any misconceptions! Thanks!
  9. Other examples might be found in other links threads (i.e., Peltier, Vitro, marbles from outside the U.S., original packaging). See also Original Packaging Cat's Eyes: Various examples and discussions: Calling All Cat's-Eyes Japanese Cat's Eye?, USA cat's eye? (Includes a link to a very long thread full of cat's eye pictures at Marble Mental.) Cat With Stripes Maybe It's Because I Was A Boy When These Were Made,, but I truly believe these are some of the most beautiful. (cat's eye prices) Do You Know? I Don't! (number of vanes in cats by different companies) Bunch "o" Cats Hybrids: Antique Mall Find!!, WOO HOO!! Fluorescent: Florescent Catseyes Peltier: Weeekend Finds, How'de you make out this weekend Vitro: Vitro Caged Cats 7/8 & 5/8 Vitro Eight Fingers Vs Vitro/anacortes Colored Based Cage Cats Anacortes Horseshoe Cat's Eye One Incredible Vitro!, yep shamless plug too Japanese Cat's Eye?, USA cat's eye? Antique Mall Find!!, WOO HOO!! Marble King: Japanese Cat's Eye?, USA cat's eye? St Mary's Cat's Eyes MM: Question on Colors of St Marys Catseyes Bogard: Japanese Cat's Eye?, USA cat's eye? (Mountaineer Shooters package in post #6) MM:ARTICLE: THOSE LOWLY BOGARD CAT'S EYES! MM: Do you think this is Bogard? Early Japanese: A Old Dug Up Cats Eye Here In Australia, maybe rare? (not rare, but not a lot of pix of mibs like these, and these pix are nice ) Id Help, Questions, Just Because, & Shameless Plug, All in one thread!!! (I think the peach base on that six vane style means that it is an early Japanese cat's eye) Japanese Cat's Eye?, USA cat's eye? Special configurations and vane numbers: 8 Vane Cat's-eyes 8 Vane Cat Who Made This Cat's Eye Banana: Is This A Pelt Or Master Cat Eye Newer: Vacor Cats, often look like Vitros
  10. Rough draft Other U.S. Marble Companies Lower profile companies, or companies for which we don't have many links yet. See also Original Packaging Highly recommended: http://joemarbles.com/ Heaton Agate Company (1946-1971) Mostly Pix - Heaton MM: Heaton article by David Chamberlain Pretty Aqua (sort of a follow-up discussion to the question in the following thread) Giant Heaton Swirls? Jackson Marble Company (1945-1946) New Jackson Family Members!!!! Mostly Pix - Playtime Black & White Swirls (zebras) Fluorescent Jackson Swirl Mostly Pix - Jackson MM: Jackson article by David Chamberlain Playrite Marble and Novelty Company (1945-1947) Cairo Novelty Company (1946-1950) Id Marble Help Please (mountaineer) Mostly Pix - Cairo Novelty MM: Cairo Article by David Chamberlain Cairo Novelty . . . Davis Marble Works (1947-1948) Alox Manufacturing Company (1919-1989) Mostly Pix - Alox Agates Alox Sunbursts? Alox Oddity (shoe laces) MM: Alox article by David Chamberlain LOM: Today's History Lesson...Alox Toy Company..Long Read but informative!!! Alox Shooters Quick Alox Cat Eye Note C. E. Bogard & Sons Mostly Pix - Bogard MM: Bogard article by David Chamberlain Kokomo: Aruba, Jamaica, Girl I Wanna Take Ya.... Any Collectors Of Kokomo Marbles?, And you thought only pelts were pearlized! Kokomos Versus Peltier Rainbos LOM: Pic's added how to repair Old Mesh bags? Kokomo Examples Original Kokomo Packaging? Mid-Atlantic Glass (1987, in this incarnation, to 2002) Mid Atlantic Marbles? Marble From Orange County Showw W/ A Little History Mid-atlantic 9-11 Marble Oddities On Ebay LOM: Mid-Atlantic Marbles LOM: Mid Atlantic marbles?
  11. Vacor de Mexico (1930-present), AKA Fabricas Selectas USA Marketed under the names Qualatex, Alamo, Mega Marbles, ...? See also Original Packaging Various examples and discussion: Peltier Indian End Of Day Joseph's Miller Blanket....uhh Vacor, Mega, House Of Marbles, ..., Pix of modern mibs Help Please Cac Or Not? (Historical note in Post #13) Peltier ???????????????????????? (Monet) Superman Oddity (tantalizing group of Vacor patches) Where Have All The Old 1" Megas Gone? (pics), Machine made shooters MM: ID Help....new? Foreign? Atmospheres: Show Your Atmospheres Contemporary Transitionals? Sunsets: Citrus Sunbursts Id Help On These Shooter Patches Please "Slags": The Big Blue Marble Vacor Cats, often look like Vitros Galaxies: Cat's Eyes: Vacor Cats, often look like Vitros Qualatex packaging or other information: Not Quite Vintage Marbles (pretty sure there's more info around here, hopefully just a matter of doing the search) Fabricas Selectas packaging: Walmart Fabricas Selectas Bags
  12. The preview is very interesting. Especially the part about how you were forced to place various internal clues to your work, to stop people from passing it off as antique.
  13. Most extremely rough draft! But I've been meaning to have a section like this, and Kevin's thread had slipped off the first page in the main forum, so here's the start. Photography Note: LOM in front of a link indicates that the linked page is hosted by LandOfMarbles.com. MM indicates a link at Marble Mental. KC is the Kansas City Marble Collectors Club. Akron is AkronMarbles.com. GA is Glass Addiction. WWW will direct you elsewhere on the world wide web. Background & Lighting: Photography Tips GA: Marble photography? Issues with focus: Taking Pictures, what is the best background for good clean pictures? (place saver until I come across a better link :-) Issues with color: Light Blue Cac (another place saver until I come across a better link :-) Getting to the core of the marble: Underwater photos: End Of Cane Cloud ?, End of Day Four Panel Onionskin? (See discussion starting at Post #6, and photos starting at Post #21.) Mmmm Sparkly Backlighting (or underlighting): Vitro ...goldfish... Kewl Shooter, hook um" Purple Ribbon Pelt Decent Digital Camera That Is Inexpensive Coudn't Stand It Thanks Y'all For Missing These!, ebay mail call! Not A Closet Marble Camera models and attachments: Decent Digital Camera That Is Inexpensive Special effects: More backlighting! 2 Uncommon Commons Photo editing: Other discussions and tips: Digital Camera Question GA: We can do better. (very cool! hope all the links still work when you see this!) GA: Marble Photography Article (a link to a pdf version of an article by Brian Bowden, published in Flow Magazine) .
  14. These logo collectors sets are neat. auction photos) The seller had other examples of Jabo logo marbles, some in packaging and some loose. Fun. :-)
  15. Every now and then I have a good idea. My google search for Ottawa sand came up with contact info for the U.S. Silica company. I asked them why a silica/sand sample might be orange. (Didn't mention that it came from the Akro Museum, just said I was talking about it with some marble collectors.) Mr. Weber in the sales department responded most promptly.
  16. Neat! The ottawa people are apparently mighty proud of that sand too. Here's a link mostly about Ottawa silica sand. And a little about silica sand from some other sites in Illinois and out. It seems to be saying that pure silica will be colorless. It also tells some other modern uses for silica.
  17. Neat. Baumann said it was "the richest vein of silica sand in the United States", "99.9 percent pure silica". Wonder where it is used.
  18. I'm looking at that super cool 1933 ad posted here, and once again I probably haven't registered everything on it, because once again I got sidetracked by something fun. Here are the Steelies from that ad. The box says "Solid Steel Balls", so this would be ball bearings, right? Check out that size! 11/16". These would break some glass! [edit: the 1933 date has been questioned. Any help clarifying and/or verifying the date would be appreciated. In any case the actual date would be close to 1933. Possibly a little before.] While I'm in the neighborhood, and in case anyone opened this thread in the hopes of finding some of the old hollow steelies with the x's in them, you can find some of those here, Steelies: Handmade Or Machine-made? Yes, it was a silly question! lol. But it's a great thread. Check out the patent John McCormick shows in Post #7 and Craig game set in Post #10.
  19. Everytime I look at that 1933 ad posted I see something I missed the last time. Albright's 2-color glass marbles were in there. $1 would get you 500 in a muslin bag. Yes, 5 for a penny. (click to enlarge) When I asked about Albright and glass marbles at LOM it was said most likely Albright was the distributor not the maker. Who might have made these two color marbles? The names mentioned as possibilities that time at LOM were Christensen, Akro, Alley, Master and Ravenswood.
  20. I didn't know Brian was in on that. I do see his site cited several places in Baumann. Pretty cool.
  21. Dave, which book is that?
  22. Well, I'm back. That's pretty funny how Akro sued Peltier for patent infringement because of the similarity of the Miller machine to Horace Hill's patent, and won, but then had their victory yanked on appeal because Horace Hill shouldn't have been awarded the patent to begin with. Yea! (Hey, I like Akros, but still yea!)
  23. Cliff, I "read the books". the ones I have. But sometimes things don't click until I've formulated a question to ask. Maybe a question about the books, maybe about something which accidentally leads me back to them. I have to feel involved. I try to read the text but I drift off and look at the pictures unless I have an active topic of interest to pursue. Like this has become. Actually this particular topic has been great for helping me get back into Baumann's book. Not having registered the connection between MFC and Akro before, I couldn't understand why MFC and Akro were in one chapter with CAC and Pelt off in a separate chapter. That didn't fit with how I grouped their marbles in my own mind so confusion kept me from really focussing on either chapter. Pretty much all of the confusion has been removed by the comments here, and I'm getting a lot out of my Baumann reading today. I'm almost done with the MFC/Akro chapter and am about to start into the CAC/Peltier chapter. I'll probably be back with more questions soon.
  24. I wondered if that was at least a part of it too. So it could have been a "Which came first, the glass or the glassmakers?" question. I was still fuzzy enough about the whole thing that I thought it safest to simply ask "Why?" and see what came of that. It's been interesting so far. I went back to read some in Baumann. He doesn't state Akro's reason for the move as bluntly as that, but yeah, that Horace Hill was some piece of work. That's irony. M. F. Christensen had to close down because of gas shortages but the dubious characters at Akro landed on their feet at a site rich in resources and were able to thrive. Martin Christensen (and son) really treated people right. Thanks for the reminders to look at their story again.
  25. Yes, neat link. Thanks Dave and Alan for all the great info. I figured/hoped sand had something to do with it. Now you've crystalized it for me! I like the idea of in-house control of the colors and quality in the good old days. Fwiw, I'd heard the name Oriskany before (mentioned at your link, Dave). The (maybe) funny thing is that I read it today on an image I'd saved to my harddrive a few weeks ago. That image is what prompted my question. I wanted to know more about the significance of the jar of sand in a Marble Bert auction which had no takers. I would have bought it if I had any mad money, because having a jar of sand seemd like a cool idea to me! But I didn't, and apparently no one else got the historical significance of it, or valued it that much.
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