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Everything posted by mon

  1. Roger, if you check the thread "33/64" still considered a peewee" it shows a CAC box marked. If a peewee by a mfg was rare and a marble made for a peewee box but was on the high side of the tolerance..over 1/2" .......it will fall into the common vane for collectors with the .5" and under definition.
  2. Doesn't original packaging marked "peewee" make it a manufacturing term with tolerances? IMO the line has been drawn by the mfg. and what was their definition of a peewee should also be a collectors. Say MFC peewee's are rare and their tolerance was +/- 1/64". What would you devalue your .510" marble compared to a .499" marble knowing both are rare?
  3. I'm glad to hear you get paid for marble sorting! lol I'm interested in the size of your sampling and data on them. A tolerance can be anything that does not effect fit, form or function. It could have the same tolerance in size +/- 1/64" or + 0.00" - 1/32" and be completely different. Also, your 1/3, 1/3 and 1/3 is not true in that, they all could be one exact size anywhere within their tolerance. The better the operator the closer to the means a part will be.
  4. if you sold a piece of glass at the canton show, you must rent a beanie hat that is to be worn during said auction. for someone so tired of these marble bums you sure spend a lot of thankless time playin the fiddle!!!!
  5. check out how sharp the edges of the remaining "chips" are. It looks polished on my puter.
  6. that's mf christensen not christensen agate.
  7. You think....I thought you said he did your prince albert piercing. mib$ can you post pics of them? did he do alan's "ebay sucks" mib?
  8. ann, did you get the boot? I'm I correct about everything being posted under one heading? It seemed to me that ID's and all help you get to know everyone and the growing knowledge. It was great fun!!! Is Kelly still into marbles? He posted a lot back then and was interesting.
  9. Craig, I'll pm you my e-mail....I changed my provider.....I look very much forward to see you and your great stash of mibs! Mig, I only wish you lived close and a drop-by was an option....your my kind of people and thanks for the welcome! pm to you as well
  10. Yep, you remember the marble but not me......goes on all the time...lol
  11. Is the one you speak of this one....you saw at my house?
  12. After sleeping on it, it was probably self-serving for alan's attempt at toppling Bob & Mark. So, maybe not such a pure time and was to new to see it! Bob, I do enjoy reading your thoughts and put greater value on what you say.
  13. mon

    Some Favorite Cairo's

    When I look at cairo's I can't help but think how different they were from all other makers. Bubbly glass seems an intentional part of their design.
  14. Sorry for the different size pics.......but think they made some cool stuff!
  15. Steph, I too have some 2nd handers but they cost much more than new....believe me!
  16. That's it Duffy, Kelly! He was as crooked as a willow limb but could work glass at that time.......funny stuff!
  17. In the heyday when marblealan ran this board, it seemed like a more open and honest community. I know it became a burden to him in the end but he sure was great at it. If I remember right, the topics were all under one heading with ID's, questions and chat all mixed together....it was nice! Crooked people were exposed and good merit rewarded. He used to fight the block's and say what he felt was needed, from top to bottom. I mean no disrespect to you Bob if you happen to read this.......but that is how it was. Now, it seems everyone is so political and self-serving. I didn't agree with everything he said or did and that was ok because everyone would participate. Oh well...glad that I lived it and it was very fun to collect marbles! Does anyone remember the guy that use to do tattoos and was making peltier type look-a-likes back then?
  18. Duh, I know who this is! He's another of our finest...post mibs on his board in hopes to get interest and then shizzam......it's for sale to his young following. I posted some pics and the lowballin pms started. He appraised OR Al's slag at something like $1200 to $1500........gulp........wish he would have used that price sheet when the pms were pounding! I know, just shut up already!
  19. I don't know who this is and didn't scroll down(ebay listing) to see all the bling and poser stuff. he/she has all the badges to prove it....blahhhhaaaahheehee Lutz, are you kidding! I golf with some that have $3,000 clubs, tiger underwear and hack divots large enough to plant taters in! lol
  20. for these odd looking corkscrews! http://www.ebay.com/...=item2a28695e66
  21. More complex statement? I wonder what pre machine marble makers thought of this faster process of machine marbles? Prob a lot like galen vs jabo. The comparison of marbles to fine furniture is funny! Remember, one was for a child's liking and a short future by design. Keep on smilin.......wet Willie......love that tune!
  22. beautiful.....just beautiful!!! thanks for posting!
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