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Everything posted by ausman

  1. Don't give up Darla. I don't get them right all the time but I keep trying! LOL. Gary
  2. Burn your leg on the exhaust pipe often??
  3. Yeah! This guy is known by many here. There are more than two jokers in his deck.
  4. 17 below this morning with a nice 10 mph breeze! Coldest February ever on record. And no end in sight.
  5. Awesome picture Lloyd. I see them up here now and then. But never have a camera handy. LOL.
  6. All those butt-cracks....Jabo.
  7. That size tends me toward Jabo.
  8. Is that blue-yellow-red marble in your second pic (beside the two green cats) an akro cork?
  9. Very nice! Another cool thing to do is to take some of your chipped marbles and silicone them to a small round magnet. Great refrigerator magnets.
  10. Thanks Ann. Alan played a big role in my getting into marble collecting. I bought many marbles from him. I wish he were still here too.
  11. This is a 11/16"- AMETHYST GROUND PONTIL SLAG that I bought from Alan Basinet back in 2011:
  12. What is this mib: http://www.ebay.com/itm/201271622628?_trksid=p2060778.m1431.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  13. They look like giant mackerel. What are they?
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