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Everything posted by ausman

  1. ausman


    My Patriots killed!! I was hoping to meet your Packers in the super bowl. Especially after losing to them during regular season. Oh well, on to Dani's Seahawks!
  2. Button, button. Who's got the button?
  3. Print is too small for me to read.
  4. Top 8 are all akro popeyes; with one hybrid. The bottom looks like akro...need better pics.
  5. Not too bad today, 18 degrees at 7:00 a.m. Yesterday at 7:00 a.m., it was 20 degrees below zero, with a 10 mph breeze.
  6. I bid on several Lots but only won lot 264: mfc brick.
  7. https://morphyauctions.hibid.com/catalog/51801/december-13th-and-14th-2014-dolls--toys-and-pop-culture?cpage=1
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4fWN6VvgKQ
  9. Very sad news indeed. My condolences to his family, and all who knew him.
  10. ausman

    Teaberry Gum

    How about that clove gum; to go along with your teaberry and blackjack!
  11. I have a very large collection of Budweiser (and other A/B) steins. I stopped after A/B was sold. The new owners have their steins made in China....I am no fan of that.
  12. I agree! I see two annealing fractures in that circle. And I know what they look like. But I am not saying that it could be a reflection
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