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Everything posted by rockinron110

  1. http://www.ebay.com/itm/222068089547?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Thank You for Looking Ron
  2. The Buyers premium is defiantly a consideration for both the buyer and seller. I try to get an idea on what a item is worth when I am considering cosigning the item as a seller, I then figure out what I could make if use the Auction house/ebay(seller fees) if the marble sells at the high end of my value estimate. If I can get any more for the marble in a private sale after the fees I will happily sell the marble for less and make more than if I would have Cosigned or ebayed the item. On the buying side I always consider the BP in my value/high bid on an Item I understand the Auctions needing to make money but getting a huge premium on both sides of the sale only benefits them not the buyer or the seller.on Just my thoughts on BP's Also some of these Auction houses also gouge on Shipping and Handling. I purchased a $700 lot of marbles from Morphy's got charged 30+ for shipping and the marbles were rattling around the box when delivered. Thanks Ron
  3. I actually purchased some marbles from Pawn-Masters back in OCT/NOV and they were correctly ID and graded. I think he made some big coin on some of his first marble sales (he had some good stuff for sale) and is trying to make money now on marbles.
  4. They are starting to make feebay and Paypal look good
  5. Adding more Auction today that will end Next Monday. The ones I listed last night end next Tuesday. If you are looking for anything specific let me know I might be able to help you out. Thank You again Ron
  6. Hi All Need to sell some of my marbles to help out a bit. Ebay Name Rockinron110 http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=&_sacat=0&_udlo=&_udhi=&_ftrt=901&_ftrv=1&_sabdlo=&_sabdhi=&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sadis=15&_stpos=60020&_sargn=-1%26saslc%3D1&_salic=1&_fss=1&_fsradio=%26LH_SpecificSeller%3D1&_saslop=1&_sasl=rockinron110&_sop=1&_dmd=1&_ipg=200 Thank you all Ron
  7. AWESOME Those slags rock I have the No. 28 box but not the slags.
  8. Here is a set of the "Atlanta Porcelains" (Atlanta Olympics Civil War marble hoard find) These were intentionally produced to deceive and profit from
  9. I have a beat to crap Peltier Golden Rebel that I will never part with. Need to find it and get you all some pics. When I say beat to crap this must have been the original owners favorite shooters.
  10. Hi all who will be joining Autumn and I at the show this spring Can't wait to see all our Marble friends Ron & Autumn April 9, 2016. Pride of the Prairie Spring Marble Show. Country Inn and Suites Decatur IL 217-872-2402. Contact Chuck Garrett 217-422-8454.
  11. I have 1 of the Claudia Patches at 1 1/8th Bought it from Bill Bass at one of the marble shows (Madison, Decatur?) It was very reasonable. I also have a Orange and Blue Corkscrew at 63/64 on the largest side (out of round like most of these bigger Akro's are.) Nice marbles nice to have in the collection. Ron
  12. Mine Camera is a Sony Cybershot Only thing I have done is set resolution to VGA and turned on Macro setting
  13. Hope my pictures were good enough for you to get an good handle on what the Pistachio's really look like. Once you have one in hand they are easy to identify just very hard to find
  14. Does the Camera have a Macro mode? That is the best mode to take marble pics Also I use VGA level resolution to make posting pics a bit easier (don't have to resize for most sites) VGA has more than enough detail Lighting is where I have most of my issues Good luck Ron
  15. Here is a Red Based CAC but I not sure it is a Guinea however it came with the Guinea pieces.
  16. More other side of the blue based ones
  17. Under Black Light (I have a laser black light so it is a pinpoint glow) Hard to photograph
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