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Everything posted by MisterMarbles

  1. Sounds like your really involved there, keep up all the good work!
  2. Yes, agreed. First thing that rang a bell with me is that funky bright orange, it's a bit upsetting to know that this seller knows exactly what it is, and still offers it as something else.
  3. Yea, I noticed that marble the first day he put it up, I question the integrity of that seller.
  4. yea, they are fabulous, i got the high bid on the indian lutz & onion mica.
  5. Not sure but I recognize one the pictures from an old Dan Morphy auction. The most I ever seen a marble go for is $23,500 this past August http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/9556973 Has anyone ever heard of one selling for more than this?
  6. I purchased it, it uses diamond pads except for the final stage which uses wood cups with cerium oxide.
  7. a 12 pack of cold ones sounds nice...lol...i think i see about four colors there...all the blends are throwin me off though.
  8. Sweet marbles. The design on your liberty NLR reminds me of the american flag.
  9. Wow Jill, looks like satelite view of Planet "Mib,........if there was such a place. Are you using a macro lens? If so, which kind? If you don't mind me asking.
  10. Wow, it's opalescent too? ....hmmm, that sounds like special one. Is that oxblood on the outside of the orange swirl of that marble? Or is it dark orange from color blend? Please excuse my drooling.
  11. I think i see an orangeade corkscrew in there, ya gotta love the variety on those akro's.
  12. Those are some sweet mibs, love the tail on that oxblood.
  13. Wow, nice close-ups. I love macrophotography of marbles, really brings the marble artwork to life.
  14. It does a have a little pelt miller look on one angle, but i think its alley too
  15. Interesting piece, i almost feel hypnotized when staring into those cats eyes. sorry i couldn't be of assistance.
  16. I use a tri-head with diamond pad inserts, if i sell it, its always listed as polished. Its such a nice feeling to bring an old dead marble back to life.
  17. Thanks for the insight Leroy. A 1200 pre-polish sounds like a good idea, I have been using 800 for the pre-polish but was thinking of going finer. I don't see any surface scratches at 15 power, but im sure they can be seen at 20.
  18. Leroy, a polishing question....How fine of a grit would recommend to pre-polish at, so no streaks or fine scratches are visible at 20 power magnification?
  19. I think there is an increased interest of marbles of all types, the internet is bringing new collectors everyday. As far as new artist made marbles, they are only worth what someone will pay for them, probably not a good investment to buy and hold. Certain artist's marbles are in more demand than others, most likely because of the high degree of artistry. Like James Alloway, Mark Mathews and Rolf Wald, well known and respected artists. There are many more like Hot House Glass and Mike Gong who also make stunning pieces of work.
  20. Using calipers is the best way, one's that measure down to 64ths of an inch.
  21. The only sulphide with outer bands that i've seen is a modern contemporary one, never seen an antique one with bands or ribbons, but anything is possible.
  22. Im excited as well.......can't wait to see all the marbles and marble folks.
  23. Im going, coming from california. This is my first show i'll be attending, does anyone know if trading can also be done on saturday in case i miss the in room trading?
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