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Everything posted by m!b$

  1. I saved pictures of all the marbles that I liked best, that Alan Basinet (Marblealan) sold over the last few years on Ebay. Many were CACs, and many were Exotics. I'll post all the pictures of the Striped Opaques and Striped Transparents that I have, in the Gallery section of this forum. I'll leave it to you to figure out which ones are Exotics, but I think a good clue is the ones designated "Mint+". ****************** Here's the link: http://marbleconnection.com/gallery/album/289-christensen-agates-cacs-by-marblealan/
  2. But did the blood of an ox fall into the turquoise?
  3. That sounds like a very plausible theory!
  4. I have owned two Peltier Bruiser PPPs, and both had an amberish base. Just an observation. I think somebody (maybe Vacor) makes or made some marbles that look very similar to PPPs. Of course it's possible mine weren't Pelts and yours is.
  5. Are you saying you think the first two might not be genuine?
  6. The colors don't look right on that last one. I was tempted to bid on those two guineas from ltlbitcolonial but didn't because his/her feedback isn't too great.
  7. If those last ones are fake, then I don't have clue how to tell real from fake. Except the seams look a little suspicious to me. Too wide.
  8. I'm not questioning the seller. I think he/she is probably selling real CACs, etc. I'm just trying to learn how to spot real guineas (I never bothered to learn them because there was always good ol' marblealan to go to for any CAC questions...)
  9. This one has darker spots in the purple, but it's being sold as legit. I would have guessed this one to be a fake, and because of the bright red spot. Needless to say, I'm not a CAC expert. http://www.ebay.com/itm/X-Rare-Christensen-Agate-Spotted-Teardrop-Guinea-Marble-Marbles-/280874915147?pt=Marbles&hash=item416573154b
  10. So the spots should be flat colors? There is only one view of the first marble, so maybe the seams are hidden...?
  11. One of them turned fifteen on May 5 (give or take a day).
  12. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&hash=item231cc9bda8&item=150806838696&nma=true&pt=Marbles&rt=nc&si=dTrHt5zXZkii08dx%252Bt6wS3k4z%252FY%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&hash=item484521a14a&item=310397477194&nma=true&pt=Marbles&rt=nc&si=dTrHt5zXZkii08dx%252Bt6wS3k4z%252FY%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  13. m!b$

    Scott Patrick

    This is my SP collection. Click on the small "Scott Patrick" image a second time, so it goes to full screen to eliminate the long delay between frames.
  14. I just discovered the Gallery section of this forum (duh). It can handle up to 64MB per file, including gifs, so I put the SP file there. Not sure how it will display. There may be long pauses between frames the first time it's viewed, and that kind of spoils the effect. http://marbleconnect...y/album/281-mb/ ***** Well, I THOUGHT I put it there. Guess I'll have to try it again. **** It's there now, but doesn't seem to work. Just sits there at the first frame. **** Oh, I see. You have to wait and wait and wait before the next frame finally shows. Bummer. Maybe the second time around will be better, if anybody has that much patience. **** This gif was done with my less-than-steller photography skills at that time. Too many unwanted reflections, and I used a crappy internet monitor to edit each picture, so they are too contrasty.
  15. I would like to post an animated gif of my SP collection, but it is 32MB and is too big for this forum, and for photobucket etc. Anybody have any ideas?
  16. So now this type IS a Burnt Christmas Tree? http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1438.l2649 http://web.archive.org/web/20050208185841/http://marblealan.com/peltier/bxmas.JPG
  17. Whatever happened to all the SP marbles on Ebay? Never see them anymore. I want more of the ones with lots of lutz and one other color.
  18. Well, so I'm the odd one out. I'm glad to see the site back up and running, but I find it depressing somehow, almost as much as looking at Alan's Ebay store and finding nothing listed there.
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