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Everything posted by dannyboy

  1. Peltier picture marbles; https://www.auctionzip.com/Listings/3722912.html?kwd=marbles&zip=44310&category=0
  2. Can't really tell from the pics. In most cases the oxblood color will appear to be painted on the marble. Excluding bricks of course. Glad I could be of some help. thanks, Carowill
  3. Melted pontil, pic 5, right smack dab in the middle. thanks
  4. Looks like one from Navarre, Ohio from here. thanks
  5. I'm thinking Marble King. Looks like the same pattern as a Berry Pink. thanks
  6. Peltier Picture (not comic) marbles. thanks
  7. Weren't most of the handmade marbles named by collectors? My head is about to implode, better go to bed.😃 thanks
  8. Ron; Your's is so damn close to being a 360 degree Indian. thanks
  9. Banded Opaques will have a colored or white base while Indians will have what appears to be an opaque black base. thanks
  10. Closest I could find. Close, but I don't if it would qualify as caged. thanks
  11. Looks like you have a mix of old and newer handmade marbles. Try looking for rough spots (pontils) on the opposite poles of them.
  12. Not seeing a pontil of any kind, so I'm not going with a Leighton marble just right now. thanks
  13. Looking like a C.A.C. Bloodie. thanks
  14. Looks like that "bump" may be a melted pontil, making it a marble from Navarre, Ohio. thanks
  15. Need better pics, but I wouldn't rule out CAC. thanks
  16. I have heard this type of messed up corkscrew referred to as Bow Ties. thanks
  17. The rough marks are where they were cut off the cane and known as pontils. This type of German handmade marble is known as "Mist". Late 1800's to early 1900's. thanks
  18. This one may be your CAC. It appears to have a brighter green and very clear glass (compared to the others) with bright white glass stretched and swirled inside. thanks
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