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Everything posted by dannyboy

  1. Agree with Chad. thanks
  2. dannyboy

    Vitro ?

    Looking at the "V", I'd go with Vitro. thanks
  3. dannyboy

    Akro ?

    Because of the earth tone colors, I'd go with Master. thanks
  4. dannyboy

    CAC ?

    Yes to both. thanks
  5. dannyboy

    WVS ?

    I believe all are Christian Agate Co. thanks
  6. Yes to MK Wasp. I believe the 2nd one may be Vitro. thanks
  7. Yes to lemonade. If the 2nd one is orange, looks like it is on my screen, then it would be an orangeade. Very nice mibs. thanks
  8. Yes. Very nice and look to be in very nice condition. 1st one would be a Popeye type, and a very unusual one ! thanks
  9. Sorry folks, made the mistake of having marbles out while the grandkids were here. I'm still looking for this marble. "If" I find it, I'll post some other pics. thanks
  10. Size is 11/16". Does it have a name ? thanks
  11. Red slag/onyx for sure. Hand-gathered (?). Akro or Christian Agate.
  12. Looks like you may have a few Popeye Patches mixed in the group. thanks
  13. How big is the other one ? Will you post some pics, please. thanks
  14. I'd say M F C. Has the classic "9", tail, and cut/sheer mark. thanks
  15. The base glass color on this one would be transparent amber with a lot of solid white, making it look yellow. These marbles, made by the James Leighton companies, were hand-gathered, hand cut with a sheer, and the pontil was then melted with a torch. There was a Leighton company that did produce transparent yellow base glass marbles. It was located in Barberton, Ohio. They are very hard to find. thanks
  16. Navarre. Melted pontil with some looping out of the pontil. Very nice example. thanks
  17. I stand corrected. My mistake. Thank you
  18. Wow ! At that size, I now change my vote for Akro of MFC. "Might" have been used as a decoration piece, such as a lamp finial or shade pull (???) 3rd pic, lower right, has what looks like maybe eyelashes or a cut line ? thanks
  19. Don't Sunsets have a color or colors on the surface ?
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